Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Do
Ubuntu 18.04
If I delete an escaped statement that contains a single quotation mark through Java PreparedStatements it is deleted in InnoDB tables but not in ColumnStore tables.
The injection seems fine though.
I attached Java example code to reproduce the bug.
Please change the server credentials according to your setup.
I used a remote connection from Windows 10 to CS on Ubuntu 18.04.
Error string that is not deleted in CS:
ab';CREATE TABLE pwnd (i int) engine=columnstore; --
Output of the demo:
number of rows in inno_escape before insert: 0
number of rows in cs_escape before insert: 0
number of rows in inno_escape after insert: 1
number of rows in cs_escape after insert: 1
number of rows in inno_escape after delete: 0
number of rows in cs_escape after delete: 1
Issue Links
- blocks
MCOL-1284 Informatica Bulk Write Adapter
- Closed