Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
1um 1pm local query yum package non-distribution install, configured with ssh keys
2018-15, 2018-16
ColumnStore postConfigure install fails when setting up the MariaDB replication.
Didn't happen on a binary or rpm distribution install, did happen on a yum non-distribution install.
And system was configured with ssh keys between the pm and um nodes, both ways
----- Starting MariaDB ColumnStore on local server -----
MariaDB ColumnStore successfully started
MariaDB ColumnStore Database Platform Starting, please wait ............ DONE
System Catalog Successfully Created
Run MariaDB ColumnStore Replication Setup..
ERROR: Error return in running the MariaDB ColumnStore Master DB Distribute, check /tmp/master-dist*.logs on um1
MariaDB ColumnStore Replication Setup Failed, check logs
IMPORTANT: Once issue has been resolved, rerun postConfigure
Here is the bug, the password ssh should show up here in this command that is outputted to the debug log:
cmd = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/ /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore 1 > /tmp/master-dist_pm1.log
here is the example when a binary or rpm distributed install works
cmd = /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/ ssh /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore 1 > /tmp/master-dist_pm1.log
This error was reported by a customer and diagnosed by development on customer system. Have reproduced the problem in house.
So at this time, dont know if its a yum issue or a non-distributed install issue. further testing is required