Implementation options:
1. Adding an options to postConfigure for a user to provide the 'quick-install' for single-server and 'system name'. Example is shown here:
/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/bin/postConfigure -i /home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore -qs -sn david
2. Adding a new script that a user can enter where it will run both the post-install and postConfigure scripts. This works for both root and non-root installs.
Here is an example run of that for a non-root install
Run post-install script
The next steps are:
If installing on a pm1 node:
export COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR=/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/lib:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/lib
/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/bin/postConfigure -i /home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore
If installing on a non-pm1 using the non-distributed option:
export COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR=/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/lib:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/lib
columnstore/bin/columnstore start
Run postConfigure script
This is the MariaDB ColumnStore System Configuration and Installation tool.
It will Configure the MariaDB ColumnStore System and will perform a Package
Installation of all of the Servers within the System that is being configured.
IMPORTANT: This tool requires to run on the Performance Module #1
===== Quick Single-Server Install Configuration =====
Single-Server install is used when there will only be 1 server configured
on the system. It can also be used for production systems, if the plan is
to stay single-server.
===== Performing Configuration Setup and MariaDB ColumnStore Startup =====
NOTE: Setting 'NumBlocksPct' to 50%
Setting 'TotalUmMemory' to 25% of total memory.
Running the MariaDB ColumnStore setup scripts
post-mysqld-install Successfully Completed
post-mysql-install Successfully Completed
Starting MariaDB Columnstore Database Platform
MariaDB ColumnStore Database Platform Starting, please wait ...... DONE
MariaDB ColumnStore Install Successfully Completed, System is Active
Enter the following command to define MariaDB ColumnStore Alias Commands
. /home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstoreAlias
Enter 'mcsmysql' to access the MariaDB ColumnStore SQL console
Enter 'mcsadmin' to access the MariaDB ColumnStore Admin console
NOTE: The MariaDB ColumnStore Alias Commands are in /etc/profile.d/
Implementation options:
1. Adding an options to postConfigure for a user to provide the 'quick-install' for single-server and 'system name'. Example is shown here:
/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/bin/postConfigure -i /home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore -qs -sn david
2. Adding a new script that a user can enter where it will run both the post-install and postConfigure scripts. This works for both root and non-root installs.
Here is an example run of that for a non-root install
Run post-install script
The next steps are:
If installing on a pm1 node:
export COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR=/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/lib:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/lib
/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/bin/postConfigure -i /home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore
If installing on a non-pm1 using the non-distributed option:
export COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR=/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/lib:/home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/lib
columnstore/bin/columnstore start
Run postConfigure script
This is the MariaDB ColumnStore System Configuration and Installation tool.
It will Configure the MariaDB ColumnStore System and will perform a Package
Installation of all of the Servers within the System that is being configured.
IMPORTANT: This tool requires to run on the Performance Module #1
===== Quick Single-Server Install Configuration =====
Single-Server install is used when there will only be 1 server configured
on the system. It can also be used for production systems, if the plan is
to stay single-server.
===== Performing Configuration Setup and MariaDB ColumnStore Startup =====
NOTE: Setting 'NumBlocksPct' to 50%
Setting 'TotalUmMemory' to 25% of total memory.
Running the MariaDB ColumnStore setup scripts
post-mysqld-install Successfully Completed
post-mysql-install Successfully Completed
Starting MariaDB Columnstore Database Platform
MariaDB ColumnStore Database Platform Starting, please wait ...... DONE
MariaDB ColumnStore Install Successfully Completed, System is Active
Enter the following command to define MariaDB ColumnStore Alias Commands
. /home/david_hill/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstoreAlias
Enter 'mcsmysql' to access the MariaDB ColumnStore SQL console
Enter 'mcsadmin' to access the MariaDB ColumnStore Admin console
NOTE: The MariaDB ColumnStore Alias Commands are in /etc/profile.d/