Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
amazon system with 1um and multiple pms using local storage
2016-22, 2016-24, 2016-25, 2017-01, 2017-2, 2017-3, 2017-4, 2017-5
Started with a 1um / 2pm system. I added a 3rd pm.
test scenario:
1. started a script that continually did a few queries on um1
2. started a script that ran the (DDl/DML test) continuely on um1
3. ran ./redistributeDB start // from pm1
So while redistributeDB was running, the scripts were successfully passin, but when it complete, the query started failing with:
MariaDB [tpch100g]> select count(*) from lineitem;
ERROR 1815 (HY000): Internal error: IDB-2039: Data file does not exist, please contact your system administrator for more information. Started working after restartsystem was performed |
In my next test, I added another pm and re-ran with just doing the query script only. This time the query continued to worked after completion... So this means that no ETL DDl DML changes should be made to the DB while the redistributeDB is running.
We could add in the code to suspend/resume database writes during this time, BUT cpimport doesn't look at the setting. only DML/DDLproc do.