Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Duplicate
Java 8, Windows 10, MariaDB 10.2.13
When executing a batch of UPDATE/DELETE statements using PreparedStatement.executeBatch(), there is no method that returns update counts.
1) PreparedStatement.executeBatch() returns int[], but all values are -2 (meaning SUCCESS but not the real number of updated/deleted records)
to get at least the total number of updated/deleted records, one can call:
2) PreparedStatement.getUpdateCount() - returns -1
3) PreparedStatement.getLargeUpdateCount() - returns -1
Note that the same method (getLargeUpdateCount) returns the correct value with driver 2.1.0, which is our current workaround.
Therefore we cannot upgrade the driver due to this bug!
Issue Links
- relates to
CONJ-642 disable the option "useBulkStmts" by default
- Closed
By default, the driver now uses a new bulk command that executes batch a lot faster. The main default is that connector then just now the total results of the batch.
Example for 3 inserts:
before, connector know that 1 + 1 + 1 inserts where executed.
now, the driver just knows the total results is 3 for the example, so connector return array of -2 (= SUCCESS_NO_INFO).
If update results are important, this new fast batch can be disabled by setting the option "useBulkStmts" to false.