Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
2.2.0, 2.2.1
Windows 10
The DatabaseMetaData that is returned when calling getMetaData() on a Connection has a getSQLKeywords method.
According to it's documentation, it should return:
the list of this database's keywords that are not also SQL:2003 keywords
In my concrete example, I wanted to call a column index, but I got an exception because it is a reserved keyword. However, the keyword list returned by aforementioned method does not contain index.
I then took the list of keywords from here and the sql 2003 list from here and found over 100 missing keywords.
Am I missing something? Shouldn't these keywords be returned?
Here is the line in code, that should return the keywords: Link to MariaDB source
I have a repository recreating the issue on github
merge (without the SQL:2003 keywords)