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  1. MariaDB Connector/J
  2. CONJ-491

Crossed Queries and "Packets out of order when reading field packets, expected was EOF stream."



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • 1.2.3, 1.5.9
    • N/A
    • Other
    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.9 (Santiago)
      Linux 2.6.32-696.1.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 EDT 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


      I'm getting issues lately with my web app:

      "ERROR","http-nio-8888-exec-30","05/31/2017","10:15:07",""," The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /home/mysite/public_html/wwwroot/requirements/mura/content/contentGatewayAdobe.cfc, line: 731 "
      (conn:47726) Packets out of order when reading field packets, expected was EOF stream. Packet contents (hex) = 03
      Query is:
      title, releasedate, menuTitle, tcontent.lastupdate,summary, tags,tcontent.filename, type,subType, tcontent.siteid,
      tcontent.contentid, tcontent.contentHistID, target, targetParams,
      restricted, restrictgroups, displaystart, displaystop, orderno,sortBy,sortDirection,
      tcontent.fileid, tcontent.credits, tcontent.remoteSource, tcontent.remoteSourceURL, tcontent.remoteURL,
      tfiles.fileSize,tfiles.fileExt, audience, keypoints
      ,tcontentstats.comments, '' as parentType, null as kids,tcontent.path, tcontent.created, tcontent.nextn,
      tcontent.majorVersion, tcontent.minorVersion, tcontentstats.lockID, tcontentstats.lockType, tcontent.expires,
      tfiles.filename as AssocFilename,tcontent.displayInterval,tcontent.display,tcontentfilemetadata.altText as fileAltText
      FROM tcontent
      Left Join tfiles ON (tcontent.fileID=tfiles.fileID)
      left Join tco...;
      at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.ExceptionMapper.get(ExceptionMapper.java:150):150
      at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.ExceptionMapper.getException(ExceptionMapper.java:101):101
      at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.ExceptionMapper.throwAndLogException(ExceptionMapper.java:77):77
      at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.executeQueryEpilog(MariaDbStatement.java:226):226
      at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbClientPreparedStatement.executeInternal(MariaDbClientPreparedStatement.java:233):233
      at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbClientPreparedStatement.execute(MariaDbClientPreparedStatement.java:163):163
      at com.intergral.fusionreactor.jdbc.jdbc42.PreparedStatementSurrogate2.execute(PreparedStatementSurrogate2.java:200):200
      at lucee.runtime.db.driver.state.StateUtil.execute(StateUtil.java:145):145
      at lucee.runtime.db.driver.state.StatePreparedStatement.execute(StatePreparedStatement.java:135):135
      at lucee.runtime.type.util.QueryUtil.execute(QueryUtil.java:240):240
      at lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl.<init>(QueryImpl.java:252):252
      at lucee.runtime.tag.Query.executeDatasoure(Query.java:815):815
      at lucee.runtime.tag.Query.doEndTag(Query.java:610):610
      at content.contentgatewayadobe_cfc$cf.udfCall1(/mura/content/contentGatewayAdobe.cfc:731):731
      at content.contentgatewayadobe_cfc$cf.udfCall(/mura/content/contentGatewayAdobe.cfc):-1

      These explicit, fatal errors are one of the better types of outcomes during these overall incidents. The most disturbing type of problem that I get is when I don't get an error, but I get crossed queries: Say my app queries, "select a, b, c from mytable", but it ends up with a completely unrelated result (e.g., with columns x, y, and z from some other table), probably from some concurrent connection.

      At a glance, it looked like a networking issue to me, so I engaged my CIT department to do some troubleshooting on the network, and although they were monitoring during one of the incidents, they saw nothing wrong.

      There is a section of my application that is slow (due to slow queries), and the problem is almost always precipitated by slow requests to this section; however, we haven't been able to reproduce the issue outside of production.

      For what it's worth, I've found that the minimum steps to recover from the problem are to:

      • Restart the MariaDB service
      • Re-initialize the web app (seems to clear out the issues resulting from crossed queries)

      This problem is beyond my troubleshooting abilities, since it seems to be low-level (i.e., not related to my application code), but rather related to MariaDB (5.5.56), the JDBC driver (1.2.3 & 1.5.9 – I upgraded to try to fix it, but no luck), or my app server (Lucee--an abstraction layer on top of Java). For what it's worth I also filed a ticket with Lucee, but it's languishing: https://luceeserver.atlassian.net/browse/LDEV-1316

      data source definition, fwiw

      <data-source allow="127" blob="false" class="org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver" clob="false" connectionLimit="40" 
      connectionTimeout="20" custom="" database="" dbdriver="Other"
      dsn="jdbc:mysql://myhost:3306/my_schema?connectTimeout=60000&amp;socketTimeout=180000" host=""
      metaCacheTimeout="60000" name="my_datasource" password="encrypted:mypass" port="-1" storage="false"
      username="my_user" validate="false"/>


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              diego dupin Diego Dupin
              Jamie Jackson Jamie Jackson
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