When I do a batched insertion, if my first statement gives an error (like constraint violation), the rest of my insert result will not get the proper generated ID.
Debugging the connector, the OkPacket contains the ID, but because of that validation (see in attachment) none ID is returned.
My DataSource configuration have the following parameters:
"cachePrepStmts" , "true"
"cacheResultSetMetadata" , "true"
"cacheServerConfiguration" , "true"
"continueBatchOnError", "true"
"dontTrackOpenResources" , "true"
"dumpQueriesOnException", "true"
"elideSetAutoCommits" , "true"
"includeThreadDumpInDeadlockExceptions", "true"
"jdbcCompliantTruncation", "true"
"log", "DEBUG"
"maintainTimeStats" , "false"
"prepStmtCacheSize" , "250"
"prepStmtCacheSqlLimit" , "2048"
"rewriteBatchedStatements" , "true"
"useServerPrepStmts" , "true"
"useLocalSessionState" , "true"
"useAffectedRows", "true"
"useBatchMultiSend", "true")
"useBulkStmts", "true"