Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2019
I am trying to connect to my MariaDB instance through C++ code. Here is the code which I got from here (obviously changed the ip and credentials) :
It throws the following exception at the "Establish Connection":
Exception thrown: read access violation. other.theString._Mypair._Myval2 was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEF.
// Includes
#include <iostream>
#include <mariadb/conncpp.hpp>
// Main Process
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Instantiate Driver
sql::Driver* driver = sql::mariadb::get_driver_instance();
// Configure Connection
// The URL or TCP connection string format is
// ``jdbc:mariadb://host:port/database``.
sql::SQLString url("jdbc:mariadb://");
// Use a properties map for the user name and password
//The ``useTls`` option enables TLS
//The ``tlsCA`` option specifies path to a PEM file that contains a X509 certificate for trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).
sql::Properties properties({
{"tlsCA", "tls-ca-root.pem"}});
// Establish Connection
// Use a smart pointer for extra safety
std::unique_ptr<sql::Connection> conn(driver->connect(url, properties));
// Use Connection
// ...
// Close Connection
// Catch Exceptions
catch (sql::SQLException& e)
// Exit (Success)
return 0;
I meet this error for 32 and 64 bits
Thank you for your report. Is it like you are building your test program as Debug and link against our release binaries? Then that is a known issue, that is solved in 1.1 branch(not stable yet). Workarounds could be either building Release/RelWithDebInfo or building own connector binaries from source code.