Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Connector/C'
  1. MariaDB Connector/C
  2. CONC-268

unit.conc_misc and unit.conc_connection fail with clang-3.8.0



    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • x86_64, clang-3.8.0, ubuntu-16.04


      10.2 branch head at 5ff2db7f67401511b30dbd3fc69a1ea87d7e8cc4

      -- Running cmake version 3.5.1
      -- The C compiler identification is Clang 3.8.0
      -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 3.8.0
      -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/clang
      -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/clang -- works
      -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
      -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
      -- Detecting C compile features
      -- Detecting C compile features - done
      -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang++
      -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang++ -- works
      + ./mtr --skip-test-list=/source/mysql-test/unstable-tests --skip-test=perfschema.socket_summary_by_event_name_func --skip-test=perfschema.privilege_table_io --force --big-test --nowarnings
      Logging: /source/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl  --skip-test-list=/source/mysql-test/unstable-tests --skip-test=perfschema.socket_summary_by_event_name_func --skip-test=perfschema.privilege_table_io --force --big-test --nowarnings
      vardir: /build/build/mysql-test/var
      Removing old var directory...
      Creating var directory '/build/build/mysql-test/var'...
       - symlinking 'var' to '/dev/shm/var_auto_N3TY'
      Checking supported features...
      MariaDB Version 10.2.7-MariaDB
       - SSL connections supported
      Using suites: main-,archive-,binlog-,binlog_encryption-,csv-,encryption-,federated-,funcs_1-,funcs_2-,gcol-,handler-,heap-,innodb-,innodb_fts-,innodb_gis-,innodb_zip-,json-,maria-,mariabackup-,multi_source-,optimizer_unfixed_bugs-,parts-,percona-,perfschema-,plugins-,roles-,rpl-,sys_vars-,unit-,vcol-,wsrep-,connect,mroonga/wrapper,mroonga/storage,rocksdb_sys_vars,rocksdb,sequence,spider,spider/handler,spider/bg,sql_discovery,metadata_lock_info,query_response_time,user_variables,wsrep_info
      Collecting tests...
      Installing system database...
      Using parallel: 12
      ];mtr: spent 0:08:27 on 4206 tests. 0:00:00 (0 tests) leftunit.conc_misc                           w5 [ fail ]
              Test ended at 2017-07-10 22:46:11
      CURRENT_TEST: unit.conc_misc
      # port: 16040
      # socketname: /build/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/5/mysqld.1.sock
      # Testing against MySQL Server 10.2.7-MariaDB-log
      # Host: Localhost via UNIX socket
      # Client library: 10.2.7
      # Config file: /build/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/5/.my.cnf
      # Error: expected charset latin2 (/source/libmariadb/unittest/libmariadb/misc.c: 1090)
      not ok 1 - test_mdev12965
      ok 2 - test_wl6797
      ok 3 - test_server_status
      # error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
      ok 4 - test_read_timeout
      # zerofill: 0000000001
      ok 5 - test_zerofill
      # max_allowed_packet: 1073741824
      # net_buffer_length: 8192
      # client_version_id: 100207
      # server_version_id: 100207
      # charset name: latin1
      # connection type: 0
      # protocol_version: 10
      # server_type: MariaDB
      # server_version: 10.2.7-MariaDB-log
      # client_version: 10.2.7
      # charset_name: utf8
      # charset_nr: 33
      # charset_name: binary
      # error[0]: Unknown MySQL error
      # mariadb_info: Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      ok 6 - test_get_info
      ok 7 - test_conc117
      # Error: Plugin foo could not be loaded: /mysql/mariadb-upstream-RelWithDebInfo-10.2/lib/plugin/foo.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
      ok 8 - test_conc_114
      ok 9 - test_connect_attrs
      ok 10 - test_conc49
      ok 11 - test_bug28075
      ok 12 - test_bug28505
      ok 13 - test_debug_example
      ok 14 - test_bug29692
      ok 15 - test_bug31418
      ok 16 - test_frm_bug
      ok 17 - test_wl4166_1
      # rc=1 error: 2057
      ok 18 - test_wl4166_2
      # rc=0 
      ok 19 - test_wl4166_3
      ok 20 - test_wl4166_4
      # InnoDB not configured or available
      ok 21 # skip test_wl4284_1
      ok 22 - test_bug49694
      # Error: 2
      ok 23 - test_ldi_path
      # close default
      # Failed 1 tests!
       - saving '/build/build/mysql-test/var/5/log/unit.conc_misc/' to '/build/build/mysql-test/var/log/unit.conc_misc/'
      ];mtr: spent 0:08:28 on 4206 tests. 0:00:00 (0 tests) leftunit.conc_connection                     w6 [ fail ]
              Test ended at 2017-07-10 22:46:22
      CURRENT_TEST: unit.conc_connection
      # port: 16060
      # socketname: /build/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/6/mysqld.1.sock
      # Testing against MySQL Server 10.2.7-MariaDB-log
      # Host: Localhost via UNIX socket
      # Client library: 10.2.7
      # Error: Expected charset latin2 (/source/libmariadb/unittest/libmariadb/connection.c: 1243)
      not ok 1 - test_mdev13100
      # server doesn't support sha256 authentication
      ok 2 # skip test_auth256
      ok 3 - test_reset
      ok 4 - test_unix_socket_close
      # session tracking not fully supported yet in 10.2
      ok 5 # skip test_sess_track_db
      # foo1 => bar1
      # foo3 => bar3
      # foo2 => bar2
      ok 6 - test_get_options
      # test doesn't work with unix sockets
      ok 7 # skip test_wrong_bind_address
      # test doesn't work with unix sockets
      ok 8 # skip test_bind_address
      ok 9 - test_conc118
      ok 10 - test_conc66
      ok 11 - test_bug20023
      # Due to mysql_change_user security fix this test will not work anymore.
      ok 12 # skip test_bug31669
      ok 13 - test_bug33831
      # Due to mysql_change_user security fix this test will not work anymore.
      ok 14 # skip test_change_user
      true: 1
      ok 15 - test_opt_reconnect
      ok 16 - test_compress
      # Thread_id before kill: 407
      # Thread_id after kill: 408
      ok 17 - test_reconnect
      ok 18 - test_conc21
      ok 19 - test_conc26
      # elapsed: 5
      ok 20 - test_connection_timeout
      # elapsed: 0
      ok 21 - test_connection_timeout2
      # elapsed: 5
      # elapsed: 10
      ok 22 - test_connection_timeout3
      # close default
      # Failed 1 tests!
       - saving '/build/build/mysql-test/var/6/log/unit.conc_connection/' to '/build/build/mysql-test/var/log/unit.conc_connection/'
      ];mtr: spent 0:08:39 on 4206 tests. 0:00:00 (0 tests) leftinnodb.innodb_bug52663 'innodb'          w3 [ pass ]  50691
      ];mtr: spent 0:08:54 on 4206 tests. 0:00:00 (0 tests) leftmain.ssl-big                             w4 [ pass ]  119177
      ];mtr: spent 0:09:36 on 4206 tests. 0:00:00 (0 tests) leftarchive.archive-big                      w2 [ pass ]  254456
      ];mtr: spent 0:10:07 on 4206 tests. 0:00:00 (0 tests) left--------------------------------------------------------------------------
      The servers were restarted 939 times
      Spent 4270.389 of 607 seconds executing testcases
      Completed: Failed 2/4007 tests, 99.95% were successful.
      Failing test(s): unit.conc_misc unit.conc_connection


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              georg Georg Richter
              danblack Daniel Black
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



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