Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Tested version 6.3.1
The existence of any schemas with names in UPPER CASE letters or Mixed Case letters will produce strange behaviors in maxscale schemarouter:
Strange behavior #1:
Querying directly on the table by specifying SCHEMA_NAME.table_name will produce an error:
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 1: SELECT command denied to user 'edward'@'' for table 'test'
However, if the same user connects directly to the MariaDB server instead of through maxscale, he can easily query without error.
Strange Behavior #2:
show schemas command properly shows all schemas user has rights to. However, when the command is given: use SCHEMA_NAME; the session hangs - no response. Just hangs. CTRL+C to get out of it.
Strange Behavior #3:
MariaDB [(none)]> show schemas;
| Database |
| JJ |
| dii |
| information_schema |
| tek |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> use JJ;
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database: JJ
MariaDB [(none)]>
Strange Behavior #4
The existence of a schema with UPPER CASE name will cause similar problems for querying schemas with lower case names.