Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Not a Bug
OS Xubuntu 16.04
The problem is specific for MariaDB Galera Cluster, and cannot be reproduced on standalone MariaDB.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Execute the following two statements within one query, using mysql_real_query( ) function:
(CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS flag is passed to mysql_real_connect() )
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS __ttmp_test_host_product_table;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `__ttmp_test_host_product_table` ( `hostid` INT, `productname` VARCHAR(32) UNICODE, `bitmask` INT )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `ascii` COLLATE `ascii_general_ci`;
2. Execute the statement below in a separate query, but on the same connection:
SELECT * FROM `__ttmp_test_host_product_table`
Result is:
mysql_errno:1146, mysql_warning_count:0, mysql_sqlstate:'42S02', mysql_error:'Table 'ILIN.__ttmp_test_host_product_table' doesn't exist'
Still it's possible to execute DELETE or INSERT on the temporary table 'ILIN.__ttmp_test_host_product_table'