Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Incomplete
SkySQL Dev/Test
Original title: SkySQL:Data inconcistencies observed in replicas after upgrade to maxscale:2.4.2
After upgrade from maxscale:2.3.9 to maxscale to maxscale:2.4.2 in SkySQL, we started observing replicas data inconsistencies in the scenario of topology initialization followed by immediate data load.
Detail of these issues can be found here:
We did a bit of a research on our end investigating possible root cause in various moving parts - test clusters/topologies setup , operator/K8s, etc.
were not able to find anything obvious, apart from the maxscale migration from 2.3.9 to 2.4.2
So far we tried a couple of suggestion from the MaxScale team :
- Consistent Critical Read Filter
- Using Causal reads
unfortunately without much of a success.
Please advice, if you need further detail on the issue or any other form of support we can provide you with to speed up the resolution process
I think there might be a problem where the user loading rate limit is triggered too early. If you add users_refresh_time=0 under the [maxscale] section, does it work?