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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-2177

Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • 2.2.15
    • N/A
    • masking
    • None
    • CentOS 6.5


       warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.email" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.fullname" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.cell_phone" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.hr_idcard" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.email" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.fullname" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.cell_phone" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.hr_idcard" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.email" matches a column that is not of string type.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   warning: (481910) [masking] The rule targeting "*.*.fullname" matches a column that is not of string type. (subsequent similar messages suppressed for 10000 milliseconds)
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   error  : (481910) Unexpected length encoding 'ff' encountered when reading length-encoded integer. (subsequent similar messages suppressed for 10000 milliseconds)
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910) Fatal: MaxScale 2.2.15 received fatal signal 11. Attempting backtrace.
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910) Commit ID: 62ce6c15dcd45be035ff6a005ca5539ca3d2adc8 System name: Linux Release string: CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/bin/maxscale() [0x406f29]: ??:0
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0xf790) [0x7f2571a30790]: sigaction.c:0
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmasking.so(_ZN20MaskingFilterSession11mask_valuesER9ComPacket+0x26b) [0x7f256cc8d73b]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/modules/filter/masking/mysql.hh:247
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmasking.so(_ZN20MaskingFilterSession10handle_rowEP5gwbuf+0x58) [0x7f256cc8d9d8]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/modules/filter/masking/maskingfiltersession.cc:269
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmasking.so(_ZN20MaskingFilterSession11clientReplyEP5gwbuf+0x105) [0x7f256cc8e0e5]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/modules/filter/masking/maskingfiltersession.cc:99
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmasking.so(_ZN8maxscale6FilterI13MaskingFilter20MaskingFilterSessionE11clientReplyEP10mxs_filterP18mxs_filter_sessionP5gwbuf+0xf) [0x7f256cc8c6cf]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/include/maxscale/filter.hh:288
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmariadbbackend.so(+0x45ae) [0x7f256ca815ae]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/modules/protocol/MySQL/mariadbbackend/mysql_backend.c:1018
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(+0x5928c) [0x7f2571f0328c]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/core/dcb.cc:3084
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(+0x59458) [0x7f2571f03458]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/core/dcb.cc:3176
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN8maxscale6Worker15poll_waiteventsEv+0x21b) [0x7f2571f3bebb]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/server/core/worker.cc:1214
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /usr/lib64/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN8maxscale6Worker3runEv+0x121) [0x7f2571f3c191]: /home/vagrant/MaxScale/include/maxscale/log_manager.h:116
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x7a51) [0x7f2571a28a51]: pthread_create.c:0
      2018-10-16 21:54:17   alert  : (481910)   /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f256fbf293d]: ??:0




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