New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Working with a reading pool of slaves, having three async slaves replicating from an individual MariaDB Cluster node, I am missing to have out the number of routed queries by backend out of the command show services, as you can see below:
[root@mxs01 ~]# maxadmin show service Read-Pool-Service |
Service: Read-Pool-Service
Router: readconnroute
State: Started
Number of router sessions: 260 |
Current no. of router sessions: 261 |
Number of queries forwarded: 24368 |
Started: Fri Jun 1 20:38:51 2018 |
Root user access: Disabled
Backend databases:
[]:3306 Protocol: MariaDBBackend Name: async01 |
[]:3306 Protocol: MariaDBBackend Name: async02 |
[]:3306 Protocol: MariaDBBackend Name: async03 |
Total connections: 261 |
Currently connected: 261 |
I would like to see something like (the number of routed queries per service per backend):
Transactions routed:
- Name: async01: 127 |
- Name: async02: 243 |
- Name: async03: 342 |
This is going to be of a great benefit for the sake of having good statistics for capacity planning and to understand better the routing decisions made by the readconnroute router for load balancing incoming traffic and when round-robing it.
Thanks folks!