New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
All monitor plugin should have ability to launch external scripts upon trigger events.
Example trigger events:
- Master down
- New Master found (A Slave has been promoted to a master)
List of Events and Event Parameters here
The script to be launched should be invoked with this command line format
<script_name> --event <event_name> --initiator <initiating_node> --nodelist <server1> <server2> <server3>
Where event_name is the name of the event, initiator is the node whose status change resulted in this event and nodelist is the list of nodes that the plugin is monitoring
The script associated with the events should be configurable and admin user should be able to change the configured script name associated with an event during runtime without requireing MaxScale or Service to restart
Each monitor plugin should also have configurable list of events for which a script will be launched
Issue Links
- blocks
MXS-189 FAILOVER and SWITCHOVER admin command to call external script
- Closed