Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Centos 7
We're trying to merge two sqlite databases that are similar to those outlined below, and see the following when we try to query the resulting table in MariaDB:
/usr/local/data/SQLiteDB_1.dat < create table users ( id varchar(10), name varchar(24) );
| id | name
| f3 | Alice
| 6g | Bob
/usr/local/data/SQLiteDB_2.dat < create table users( id varchar(10), name varchar(24) );
| id | name
| s1 | Alison
| 9y | Robert
MariaDB > create table people ( id varchar(10), name varchar(24) ) ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=ODBC multiple=1 tabname='users' CONNECTION='DSN=SQLite3 Datasource;DBQ=/usr/local/data/SQLiteDB_*.dat;'; |
MariaDB > select * from people: |
| id | name |
| f3 | Alice
| 6g | Bob
| f3 | Alice
| 6g | Bob
The problem is that the sqlite ODBC driver does not recognize the DBQ keyword. The merge table should be created as:
create table people ( id varchar(10), name varchar(24) )
ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=ODBC multiple=1 tabname='users'
CONNECTION='DSN=SQLite3 Datasource;Database=/usr/local/data/SQLiteDB_*.dat;';
This is all right for simple tables but for multiple tables CONNECT failed to retrieve the database name because only looking for the DBQ keyword. This is what will be fixed in next versions of MariaDB.
Meanwhile, you can alternatively merge the tables using the TBL table type:
create table users1 (id varchar(10), name varchar(24)) engine=connect table_type=ODBC tabname='users'
CONNECTION='Driver=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=/usr/local/data/SQLiteDB_1.dat';
create table users2 (id varchar(10), name varchar(24)) engine=connect table_type=ODBC tabname='users'
CONNECTION='Driver=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=/usr/local/data/SQLiteDB_2.dat';
create table people2 (id varchar(10), name varchar(24)) ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=TBL table_list='users1,users2';