Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Not a Bug
Some ability to measure if there’s too much concurrency or if the number of buffer pool instances is too high would be useful.
Can we expose some additional information that would help users decide whether there would be any improvement from more (or fewer) buffer pool instances?
The ability to have innodb_buffer_pool_instances > 1 means you can reduce some locking under heavy load and that should be good. However it's hard to actually see if the load is that high that you might want to change this, or if you set it to some arbitrary "n" if that value is too high or too low. This value is currently static and thus requires a server restart, so changing it is very intrusive, hence the decision to use a specific value and figure out if that value is the right one seems quite difficult, which makes the knob a difficult knob to change and tune correctly.
So the request here is to have some way to figure out if the current setting is appropriate or perhaps might be worth changing to something else, or to give some feedback in the documentation on the best way to determine this.