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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-6509

OpenSUSE packages do not contain header files



      mariadb.org repository configurator points to the distribution repositories (see https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/#mirror=netinch&distro=openSUSE "openSUSE includes MariaDB in their repositories. To install MariaDB, simply issue the following command in a terminal: zypper install mariadb")

      OpenSUSE repos does not contain -devel package. But the package "mariadb-errormessages " description is "MySQL Community Server development header files and libraries", but actually this package contains only error messages files errmsg.sys)

      Probably bug should be forwarded to OpenSUSE maintainers, but would it be useful to have OpenSUSE repos also on mariadb.org with newest version and also with 10?



          I'm not sure it will do us any good in the long run, but starting from 5.5.41 and 10.0.14 we do provide OpenSUSE packages, and among them a -devel package, so I assume it can be closed now.

          elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - I'm not sure it will do us any good in the long run, but starting from 5.5.41 and 10.0.14 we do provide OpenSUSE packages, and among them a -devel package, so I assume it can be closed now.

          packages from mariadb.org work, but:

          • mariadb.org packages have capital letters in the names (MariaDB-*)
          • OpenSUSE repository packages are mariadb*

          As a result:

          linux-6akr:~ # zypper install MariaDB-client
          Loading repository data...
          Reading installed packages...
          Resolving package dependencies...

          Problem: mariadb-client-5.5.33-2.2.x86_64 conflicts with namespace:otherproviders(mysql-client) provided by MariaDB-client-5.5.41-1.x86_64
          Solution 1: do not install mariadb-client-5.5.33-2.2.x86_64
          Solution 2: do not install MariaDB-client-5.5.41-1.x86_64

          Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 1

          There is no problem in interactive mode (just answer '1') but it can be a problem for automation.
          (no idea how to resolve)

          tturenko Timofey Turenko added a comment - packages from mariadb.org work, but: mariadb.org packages have capital letters in the names (MariaDB-*) OpenSUSE repository packages are mariadb* As a result: linux-6akr:~ # zypper install MariaDB-client Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... Resolving package dependencies... Problem: mariadb-client-5.5.33-2.2.x86_64 conflicts with namespace:otherproviders(mysql-client) provided by MariaDB-client-5.5.41-1.x86_64 Solution 1: do not install mariadb-client-5.5.33-2.2.x86_64 Solution 2: do not install MariaDB-client-5.5.41-1.x86_64 Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 1 There is no problem in interactive mode (just answer '1') but it can be a problem for automation. (no idea how to resolve)


            dbart Daniel Bartholomew
            tturenko Timofey Turenko
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue



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