Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
5.5(EOL), 10.0(EOL)
Sometimes we get complaints on IRC about MariaDB-Galera being installed instead of MariaDB-server. I think we don't have a report about it yet because we could not reproduce it. I have a guess about the reason.
Right now I'm getting the same behavior trying to install from MariaDB 5.5 repo.
On CentOS, it happens when I run
sudo yum install mysql-server
literally, with lower-case mysql-server.
On Fedora, it happens when I run
sudo yum install mariadb-server
again, literally, with lower-case mariadb-server.
In both cases, MariaDB-Galera-server 5.5.36 is installed.
Looking at cpack_rpm.cmake, I see that mysql-server is defined as an alternative name for both MariaDB-server and MariaDB-Galera-server; same for mariadb-server, only it is defined conditionally on Fedora.
So, my guess is when an alternative name is used in yum install command, and there are several packages which have this alternative name and the same version, then the choice is indeterministic (or maybe it depends on some non-obvious factors).