Re: CentOS RPM SPEC FILE bug for MariaDB-server RPMs
I apologize for the delay, as our hosting dept switched to EL6 distros by default this is my spare time top priority.
I've already got an functional new spec file, I've also fixed this issue it's due to the terribly written old spec file. Mine is from scratch based off a EL6 mysql official RPM.
I'm going to be building in multiple distro support for the EL family, CentOS, RHEL, ScientificLinux, and cPanel systems- this spec will support the above and EL5/EL6 in one. I'm also going to work with the respected community boards of each distro on getting their RPM setup streamlined to their desires so we may be included in official repositories. However we will also provide RPM's as we do currently with EL that replaces MySQL. The RHEL/CentOS, and possibly ScientificLinux distro's wont include us if we by default replace MySQL. I'm looking into a potental separate RPM to have their system remove mysql and change mariadb to replace :] "yum install mariadb-mysql-converted" 
Stay tuned, probably by end of this month. I mainly need a fast buildbot x86_64 xeon/new opteron and around west coast USA, or I'll have one of my dual xeon servers shipped to me by the end of the month and with the progress the spec is at I'll have MariaDB website alike RPM's built for EL5/EL6, cPanel systems, and a bonus tuned RPM for Nocona/a64 opteron hosts in a few days.
Also if anybody wants the fixed RPM, I can pass it on if you mass run MariaDB i could see how this upgrade error could be a pain having to rpm -e, and reinstall.
Re: CentOS RPM SPEC FILE bug for MariaDB-server RPMs
Files or something don't exist.
Working on new RPMs and for EL6 distro's.