Maybe the tile for this bug report should be "Debian builds of 5.5.35 failing due to test failures".
About the original '** ERROR: Could not find '*' in at lib/ line 339' issue:
It was visible in all previous builds before and hasn't been visible since. If you don't see any regressions in the build logs (many links below) then the issue is fixed.
About the replace_result and $USER issue:
All tests now pass on my laptop in the latest run:
The rpl.rpl_set_null_innodb fail I had yesterday on the laptop went away with no fixes, I assume it was a sporadic fail, I have seen it only ever once.
About the unix_socket issue:
When disabling tests I was able to build binary packages at;O=D for amd64: precise, trusty, wheezy, sid and for i386: precise. The other i386 fails due to TokuDB which does not build under i386 and pbuilder environment where the cmake if CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=amd64 does not detect pbuilder target processor correctly. I will now relaunch all of these to confirm that unix_socket issue is consistent (and not sporadic). If it helps, at least there are now binaries for the same revision which you can download and run the mariadb-test suite for binaries.
About TokuDB tests:
At (all builds at I have built successfully binary packages for precise and trusty when tests where disabled. When tests are enabled and I submitted saucy version for building, the i386 passes all tests and is successfull but the amd64 version fails in tokudb tests:
This seems consistent for Launchpad (buildd) and is visible in a previous trusty/amd64 build too but not in my plain laptop or in pbuilder.
Maybe the tile for this bug report should be "Debian builds of 5.5.35 failing due to test failures".
About the original '** ERROR: Could not find '*' in at lib/ line 339' issue:
It was visible in all previous builds before and hasn't been visible since. If you don't see any regressions in the build logs (many links below) then the issue is fixed.
About the replace_result and $USER issue:
All tests now pass on my laptop in the latest run:
The rpl.rpl_set_null_innodb fail I had yesterday on the laptop went away with no fixes, I assume it was a sporadic fail, I have seen it only ever once.
About the unix_socket issue:
When disabling tests I was able to build binary packages at;O=D for amd64: precise, trusty, wheezy, sid and for i386: precise. The other i386 fails due to TokuDB which does not build under i386 and pbuilder environment where the cmake if CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=amd64 does not detect pbuilder target processor correctly. I will now relaunch all of these to confirm that unix_socket issue is consistent (and not sporadic). If it helps, at least there are now binaries for the same revision which you can download and run the mariadb-test suite for binaries.
About TokuDB tests:
At (all builds at I have built successfully binary packages for precise and trusty when tests where disabled. When tests are enabled and I submitted saucy version for building, the i386 passes all tests and is successfull but the amd64 version fails in tokudb tests:
This seems consistent for Launchpad (buildd) and is visible in a previous trusty/amd64 build too but not in my plain laptop or in pbuilder.