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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-5577

Querying/creating an unreacheable Federated table makes a non-ending and unkillable query



    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 5.5.34
    • 5.5(EOL)
    • None


      If you try to create or query a Federated table on an unreacheable network (could happen if you duplicate a database not located on the same private network for example), the query will not finish unless a timeout is reached (i am unsure on which one).

      Doing a control+c while the query is running tries to kill the query, the query will be shown as a "Killed" command but wont finish and stays in "creating table" state until this timeout is reached, as a consequence, the CLI will still wait for the query to end and be unusable :

      MariaDB [test]> CREATE TABLE t1 (   `id` int(20) NOT NULL   ) ENGINE="FEDERATED" DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 CONNECTION='mysql://root@';
      ^CCtrl-C -- query killed. Continuing normally.
      ^CCtrl-C -- query killed. Continuing normally.
      ^CCtrl-C -- query killed. Continuing normally.

      After some minutes the query will finally end and the CLI is usable again :

      ERROR 1434 (HY000): Can't create federated table. Foreign data src error:  database: 'db1'  username: 'root'  hostname: ''

      ps: the problem might happen as well while not using the CLI but i only did try to access these unreacheable tables using CLI.




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            jb-boin Jean Weisbuch
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