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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-5152

mysql_config includes -lprobes_mysql but mo such library installed


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.5.33a, 10.0.10
    • 5.5.37, 10.0.11
    • None
    • None


      I compiled mariadb 5.5.33a using my own gcc (4.8.1) and libraries, everything in --prefix /tenhw/local

      I used BUILD/compile-pentium64-max (thinking it is best default for my environment)

      The compile finished succesfully and the 'make install' as well.

      The problem is mysql_config, whose output is:

              --cflags         [-I/tenhw/apps/mysql/include/mysql -I/tenhw/apps/mysql/include/mysql/.. -Wall -Wunused -Wno-uninitialized -m64 -fno-omit-frame-pointer    -g]
              --include        [-I/tenhw/apps/mysql/include/mysql -I/tenhw/apps/mysql/include/mysql/..]
              --libs           [-L/tenhw/apps/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient -lpthread -lprobes_mysql -lm -lrt -ldl]
              --libs_r         [-L/tenhw/apps/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient_r -lpthread -lprobes_mysql -lm -lrt -ldl]
              --plugindir      [/tenhw/apps/mysql/lib/plugin]
              --socket         [/tmp/mysql.sock]
              --port           [0]
              --version        [5.5.33a]
              --libmysqld-libs [-L/tenhw/apps/mysql/lib -lmysqld]
              --variable=VAR   VAR is one of:
                      pkgincludedir [/tenhw/apps/mysql/include/mysql]
                      pkglibdir     [/tenhw/apps/mysql/lib]
                      plugindir     [/tenhw/apps/mysql/lib/plugin]

      However, there is no probes_mysql library installed. I can find probes_mysql.o many times in the output during compile, but I cannot find generation of a library...

      So any third party that uses mysql_config fails during compile with gcc not finding the library

      /tenhw/local/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.8.1/../../../../x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lprobes_mysql
      collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


        1. BUILD.out
          1.94 MB
        2. make_install.out
          838 kB

        Issue Links


            Actually pentium64 script aimed for IA-64 (AKA Itanium)

            It this case should be used amd64, because amd is not related to processor producer but to command set used in the processor.

            Nowdays there is not big difference in the sctipts, but in any case it would be bettr to see results with correct script.

            sanja Oleksandr Byelkin added a comment - Actually pentium64 script aimed for IA-64 (AKA Itanium) It this case should be used amd64, because amd is not related to processor producer but to command set used in the processor. Nowdays there is not big difference in the sctipts, but in any case it would be bettr to see results with correct script.
            etorres Edgar Torres added a comment - - edited


            I just did a google search for "pentium64", and neither itanium or ia-64
            show up in the first 5 pages of results, did not look further.

            I am pretty confident using pentium64 to indicate itanium or ia-64 is

            If you look here

            it says

            > BUILD/compile-pentium64-max # Build for intel/amd 64 bit with all options

            I just realized that I should have used cmake for 5.5 , instead of using
            BUILD scripts, so perhaps that is the problem... but then perhaps the
            BUILD scripts should be removed, or there should be something in the
            README that they are deprecated...


            On 11/7/2013 8:52 AM, Oleksandr Byelkin (JIRA) wrote:

            etorres Edgar Torres added a comment - - edited Hi! I just did a google search for "pentium64", and neither itanium or ia-64 show up in the first 5 pages of results, did not look further. I am pretty confident using pentium64 to indicate itanium or ia-64 is confusing... If you look here https://mariadb.com/kb/en/generic-build-instructions/ it says > BUILD/compile-pentium64-max # Build for intel/amd 64 bit with all options I just realized that I should have used cmake for 5.5 , instead of using BUILD scripts, so perhaps that is the problem... but then perhaps the BUILD scripts should be removed, or there should be something in the README that they are deprecated... Edgar On 11/7/2013 8:52 AM, Oleksandr Byelkin (JIRA) wrote:

            please, could you comment here, saying whether it worked better with cmake without BUILD scripts?

            serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - please, could you comment here, saying whether it worked better with cmake without BUILD scripts?
            grknight Brian Evans added a comment -

            Gentoo sees this when -DDTRACE is enabled via cmake.

            Our bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=483434

            grknight Brian Evans added a comment - Gentoo sees this when -DDTRACE is enabled via cmake. Our bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=483434

            ok, so, apparently, this happen also with older gcc versions

            serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - ok, so, apparently, this happen also with older gcc versions

            As stated in MDEV-6025, 10.0 is also affected.

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - As stated in MDEV-6025 , 10.0 is also affected.
            ngupta Nitin Gupta added a comment -

            Please also update Fedora 20 RPMS to 10.0.11. Currently, only 10.0.10 is available:


            ngupta Nitin Gupta added a comment - Please also update Fedora 20 RPMS to 10.0.11. Currently, only 10.0.10 is available: http://yum.mariadb.org/10.0/fedora20-amd64/rpms/ Thanks.

            10.0.11 has not been released yet.

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - 10.0.11 has not been released yet.


              serg Sergei Golubchik
              etorres Edgar Torres
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              6 Start watching this issue



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