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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-4751

Tracking test failures in 10.0-monty


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 10.0.4
    • None
    • None


      This is just to track test failures in 10.0-monty as they are fixed.


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            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - - edited

            Revision 3579:
            Completed: Failed 30/630 tests, 95.24% were successful.

            === SP error handling (4 tests) ==
            main.ps_ddl - Some result difference
            main.signal - Caused SPs catching/handling errors?
            main.signal_demo3 - Caused SPs catching/handling errors?

            == DATETIME type differences (8 tests) ==
            main.mysql_client_test - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings.
            main.mysql_client_test_nonblock - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings.
            ^^ Discussed with Bar. There were related fixes, he will be able to look on Monday^^

            == DML error vs no-error difference (3 tests) ==
            main.alter_table_online - 'alter online ....' succeeded - should have failed
            main.upgrade - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed
            main.create - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed

            == Assert in open_temporary_table (5 tests) ==
            main.flush_read_lock - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488
            main.analyze - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488
            main.check - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488
            main.merge - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488
            main.repair - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488

            == Wrong errno (3 tests) ==
            main.status - Access denied check, wrong errno
            main.partition_binlog - FIXED wrong errno
            main.partition_mgm_err - FIXED 'ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PARTITION PARTITIONS 1024' failed with wrong errno

            == Unknown/isolated reason (8 tests) ==
            main.statistics - MDEV-4758, ALTER TABLE + EITS
            main.plugin - Crash when DROP-ing a table whose plugin was unloaded
            main.alter_table - Assert in mi_open.c:67: test_if_reopen
            main.commit_1innodb - Unknown
            main.partition_debug_sync - query 'reap' failed: 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock;
            main.partition_myisam - Warning "expressions in (sub)partitioning function not allowed" is gone
            main.truncate_coverage - debug sync point wait timed out
            main.innodb_mysql_sync - timeout with "alter_table_manage_keys SIGNAL manage WAIT_FOR query"

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - - edited Revision 3579: Completed: Failed 30/630 tests, 95.24% were successful. === SP error handling (4 tests) == main.ps_ddl - Some result difference main.signal - Caused SPs catching/handling errors? main.signal_demo3 - Caused SPs catching/handling errors? == DATETIME type differences (8 tests) == main.func_time main.select main.select_jcl6 main.cast main.type_date main.select_pkeycache main.mysql_client_test - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings. main.mysql_client_test_nonblock - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings. ^^ Discussed with Bar. There were related fixes, he will be able to look on Monday^^ == DML error vs no-error difference (3 tests) == main.alter_table_online - 'alter online ....' succeeded - should have failed main.upgrade - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed main.create - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed == Assert in open_temporary_table (5 tests) == main.flush_read_lock - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488 main.analyze - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488 main.check - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488 main.merge - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488 main.repair - Assert in open_temporary_table, sql_base.cc:6488 == Wrong errno (3 tests) == main.status - Access denied check, wrong errno main.partition_binlog - FIXED wrong errno main.partition_mgm_err - FIXED 'ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PARTITION PARTITIONS 1024' failed with wrong errno == Unknown/isolated reason (8 tests) == main.statistics - MDEV-4758 , ALTER TABLE + EITS main.plugin - Crash when DROP-ing a table whose plugin was unloaded main.alter_table - Assert in mi_open.c:67: test_if_reopen main.commit_1innodb - Unknown main.partition_debug_sync - query 'reap' failed: 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; main.partition_myisam - Warning "expressions in (sub)partitioning function not allowed" is gone main.truncate_coverage - debug sync point wait timed out main.innodb_mysql_sync - timeout with "alter_table_manage_keys SIGNAL manage WAIT_FOR query"

            Revision: 3580
            Completed: Failed 26/630 tests, 95.87% were successful.

            Failing test(s): main.commit_1innodb main.alter_table_online main.mysql_client_test_nonblock main.mysql_client_test main.status main.select_pkeycache main.statistics main.func_time main.flush_read_lock main.plugin main.repair main.ps_ddl main.merge main.select main.signal main.signal_demo3 main.select_jcl6 main.type_date main.upgrade main.analyze main.alter_table main.cast main.check main.create main.truncate_coverage main.innodb_mysql_sync

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - Revision: 3580 Completed: Failed 26/630 tests, 95.87% were successful. Failing test(s): main.commit_1innodb main.alter_table_online main.mysql_client_test_nonblock main.mysql_client_test main.status main.select_pkeycache main.statistics main.func_time main.flush_read_lock main.plugin main.repair main.ps_ddl main.merge main.select main.signal main.signal_demo3 main.select_jcl6 main.type_date main.upgrade main.analyze main.alter_table main.cast main.check main.create main.truncate_coverage main.innodb_mysql_sync

            Revision: 3581
            Completed: Failed 22/630 tests, 96.51% were successful.

            Failing test(s): main.commit_1innodb main.alter_table_online main.mysql_client_test_nonblock main.mysql_client_test main.status main.select_pkeycache main.statistics main.func_time main.plugin main.ps_ddl main.flush_read_lock main.select main.select_jcl6 main.signal main.signal_demo3 main.type_date main.upgrade main.cast main.alter_table main.create main.truncate_coverage main.innodb_mysql_sync

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - Revision: 3581 Completed: Failed 22/630 tests, 96.51% were successful. Failing test(s): main.commit_1innodb main.alter_table_online main.mysql_client_test_nonblock main.mysql_client_test main.status main.select_pkeycache main.statistics main.func_time main.plugin main.ps_ddl main.flush_read_lock main.select main.select_jcl6 main.signal main.signal_demo3 main.type_date main.upgrade main.cast main.alter_table main.create main.truncate_coverage main.innodb_mysql_sync

            Revision: 3581
            Completed: Failed 22/630 tests, 96.51% were successful.

            Failing test(s): main.commit_1innodb main.alter_table_online main.mysql_client_test_nonblock main.mysql_client_test main.status main.select_pkeycache main.statistics main.func_time main.plugin main.ps_ddl main.flush_read_lock main.select main.select_jcl6 main.signal main.signal_demo3 main.type_date main.upgrade main.cast main.alter_table main.create main.truncate_coverage main.innodb_mysql_sync

            === SP error handling (3 tests) ==
            main.ps_ddl - Some result difference
            main.signal - Caused SPs catching/handling errors?
            main.signal_demo3 - Caused SPs catching/handling errors?

            == DATETIME type differences (8 tests) ==
            main.mysql_client_test - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings.
            main.mysql_client_test_nonblock - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings.
            ^^ Discussed with Bar. There were related fixes, he will be able to look on Monday^^

            == DML error vs no-error difference (3 tests) ==
            main.alter_table_online - 'alter online ....' succeeded - should have failed
            main.upgrade - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed
            main.create - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed

            == Unknown/isolated reason (8 tests) ==
            main.statistics - MDEV-4758, ALTER TABLE + EITS
            main.plugin - Crash when DROP-ing a table whose plugin was unloaded
            main.alter_table - Assert in mi_open.c:67: test_if_reopen
            main.commit_1innodb - Unknown
            main.truncate_coverage - debug sync point wait timed out
            main.innodb_mysql_sync - timeout with "alter_table_manage_keys SIGNAL manage WAIT_FOR query"
            main.flush_read_lock - FTRWL problem
            main.status - Access denied check, wrong error code

            psergei Sergei Petrunia added a comment - Revision: 3581 Completed: Failed 22/630 tests, 96.51% were successful. Failing test(s): main.commit_1innodb main.alter_table_online main.mysql_client_test_nonblock main.mysql_client_test main.status main.select_pkeycache main.statistics main.func_time main.plugin main.ps_ddl main.flush_read_lock main.select main.select_jcl6 main.signal main.signal_demo3 main.type_date main.upgrade main.cast main.alter_table main.create main.truncate_coverage main.innodb_mysql_sync === SP error handling (3 tests) == main.ps_ddl - Some result difference main.signal - Caused SPs catching/handling errors? main.signal_demo3 - Caused SPs catching/handling errors? == DATETIME type differences (8 tests) == main.func_time main.select main.select_jcl6 main.cast main.type_date main.select_pkeycache main.mysql_client_test - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings. main.mysql_client_test_nonblock - test_wl4166_3, DATETIME and warnings. ^^ Discussed with Bar. There were related fixes, he will be able to look on Monday^^ == DML error vs no-error difference (3 tests) == main.alter_table_online - 'alter online ....' succeeded - should have failed main.upgrade - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed main.create - query 'create table ...' succeeded - should have failed == Unknown/isolated reason (8 tests) == main.statistics - MDEV-4758 , ALTER TABLE + EITS main.plugin - Crash when DROP-ing a table whose plugin was unloaded main.alter_table - Assert in mi_open.c:67: test_if_reopen main.commit_1innodb - Unknown main.truncate_coverage - debug sync point wait timed out main.innodb_mysql_sync - timeout with "alter_table_manage_keys SIGNAL manage WAIT_FOR query" main.flush_read_lock - FTRWL problem main.status - Access denied check, wrong error code

            all existing tests pass

            serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - all existing tests pass


              serg Sergei Golubchik
              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



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