Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
The Windows .msi installer should allow multiple installations of same version.
For instance, if you install one 5.5 (or 5.2, or whatever), instance via the .msi installer, you cannot then install a second instance of the same version with the msi, as it will only allow you to "repair" or configure your existing instance.
You can, say install a 32-bit version of 5.2 and then a 64-bit version of 5.2, but it should allow for 2+ 64-bit versions if I so desire.
Many thanks.
Chris,this can't be easily fixed. While there is something that is called "multi-instance support" in MSI itself, the tools support is weak, and one needs to put some bootstrapper exe on top of the MSI.
if you replace upgrade with another instance, then how you upgrade ?
You can definitely have multiple services in a single installation, and this is what mysql_install_db.exe does. Why would you like to have multiple instances of older and newer exes.
If you're wondering why 32 and 64 bit versions are installable on the same machine, it is because I gave them different GUIDs. Which means, technically they are treated as different products.