Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
- range optimizer produces quick_condition_rows
- they are used by best_access_path(), but only if it considers
full table scan acccess (see matching_candidates_in_table() call)
We need to make it so that quick_condition_rows is used for any access
=== Details ===
Currently, quick_condition_rows is only used for full table scans. This makes the code simple.
When we start using quick_condition_rows with arbitrary acess method, we will be faced with this problem:
1. quick_condition_rows estimate was made from a certain part of WHERE clause (the part of WHERE that was used to construct a range)
2. access method that we're using also was made from a certain part of WHERE clause.
question: are these two correlated? When does the estimate of the fanout of an access method take into account quick_condition_rows?
We will adopt this answer:
- Don't take quick_condition_rows into account if we're using a quick select for table access,
or if we're using ref(const) (in this case we would construct a quick select and take its estimates into account). - Do adopt it otherwise.
THere are more complex cases like
t.keypart1=const AND t.keypart2 BETWEEN 'foo' AND 'bar' AND t.keypart2=othertbl.col
quick_condition_rows is made from "t.keypart1=const AND t.keypart2 BETWEEN ..."
ref access will be on "t.keypart1=const AND t.keypart2=othertbl.col"
when part of WHERE will be appled,
- t.keypart1=const – will not filter anything out (because it's guaranteed to be true
by ref access) - t.keypart2 BETWEEN ... – will filter something out.
Available estimates:
E1. rec_per_key(t.keypart1=...)
E2. rec_per_key("t.keypart1=... AND t.keypart2=...")
E3. records_in_range("t.keypart1=const AND t.keypart2 BETWEEN ...")
Note, that the estimates will not necessary be in sync. For instance, we saw real-world cases where E3 > E1, even if it is clear that E3 < E1 for any dataset.
How to compute the fanout of the WHERE predicates not covered by an access method:
- if an access method covers all WHERE predicates, then the WHERE clause doesn't have any selectivity on its own.
- if WHERE's selectivity hasn't been "absorbed" by the employed access method, then it has selecivity on its own.
We assume that:
- ref(non-const) access's selecitivity is orthogonal to quick_condition_rows selecitivity.
- full table scan has no selectivity => WHERE condition will apply quick_condition_rows selecitivity.
- That's it, for now. More complex analysis is possible but will be done outside of this task.
For any type of access other than the above two, assume quick_condition_rows doesn't have any additional selectivity - selectivity(WHERE)=1.
== Implementation ==
- All code should be in best_access_path().
- QUESTIONABLE:: The result should be recorded in POSITION::records_read.
(Yes, there will be cases where POSITION::records_read < 1)
APPARENT: POSITION::prefix_record_count is not what is needed.
- The result should be visible in EXPLAIN EXTENDED, in "filtered" column.
== Implementation step #1 ==
- Take the problematic query from mdev-402
- Remove the scalar subquery predicate.
- Convert both IN-subqueries into a JOIN ( I don't care if it's not equivalent)
- Use STRAIGHT_JOIN hints, if necessary to produce the join order of
nation,supplier,partsupp,part. - Make it so that for table part, in EXPLAIN:
= access is eq_ref
= rows==1 (it's eq_ref)
= "filtered shows" 0.0118 * 100 = 1.18 (percent).
This may require introducing extra members in POSITION (investigate).
Issue Links
- is part of
MDEV-402 Take into account the cost of subqueries during optimization
- Closed