Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Hi guys, i found a optimization (maybe a bug?) that could be 'easly' optimized, check this query...
SELECT COUNT(*)FROM dig_lotes WHERE lote_tipo='r' AND sit_spa!='mov' |
this result in 446196 rows (read all table), and changing it to:
SELECT COUNT(*)FROM dig_lotes WHERE lote_tipo='r' AND sit_spa IN ('','d','s','p','a') |
result in 16 rows and 'using where' (an index)
the interesting part is....
column 'sit_spa' is ENUM('d','s','p','a','mov') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'd'
sit_spa!='mov' could be optimized via ENUM declaration to: 'd','s','p','a' plus '' if database accepted a value outside enum declaration, ex: a insert of 'xyz' result in '' enum value + warning in this field
the idea is...
optimize "enum_field!=enum_value" removing the enum_value from enum declaration list.
the result is an index being used instead of a full table scan
A second optimization is:
WHERE sit_spa='z'
since 'z' isn't in 'd','s','p','a','mov', we could return 'impossible where'
check that enum is a diferent field type (for where part, select part and order by/group by parts)...
for sit_spa enum ('d','s') not null
enum_index 0 = ""
enum_index 1 = 'd'
enum_index 2 = 's'
for sit_spa enum ('d','s') (without not null), enum_index NULL = NULL
when using enum_value ='3' and enum_index=2, example: enum ('1','3')
if we execute, WHERE enum='2'
the enum_value='2' don't exists, the parser check for enum_index, and found '3' as result (since enum_index='2', is enum_value='3')
implementation ?
from sergei emails:
We have a range optimizer (in, it can already do pretty, much what you say, it can change, for example
WHERE a != 10
WHERE a < 10 OR a > 10
So, perhaps, all you need to do is to make sure this code is used for your ENUM queries.
but reading we have remove_eq_conds that check conditions one by one, and can rewrite the condition or return a impossible where, or a always true condition
i think that get_mm_leaf is something that only works with index (i'm wrong?)
maybe it should be implemented in at get_mm_leaf() function? or in remove_eq_conds function?
something like:
any enum_field OP const_value should be executed in all enum values,
to optimize the query, since ENUM is a 'bitmap' of all possible values
we can rewrited it to IN/NOT IN operator, this allow index usage
for NULL possible fields:
a ENUM ('a','b','c')
internally we have: NULL,0=>'',1=>'a',2=>'b',3=>'c'
for NOT NULL fields:
a ENUM ('a','b','c') NOT NULL
internally we have: 0=>'',1=>'a',2=>'b',3=>'c'
example 1) (impossible where)
WHERE a = 'd'
'' = 'd' ? false
'a' = 'd' ? false
'b' = 'd' ? false
'c' = 'd' ? false
rewrite to
(1=0) - always false, impossble where
example 2) (allways true)
a < 'd' will result:
'' < 'd' ? true
'a' < 'd' ? true
'b' < 'd' ? true
'c' < 'd' ? true
rewriting to :
a IN ('','a','b','c') - always true
example 3) (some values of enum, using IN)
a LIKE '%a' will result:
'' LIKE '%a' ? false
'a' LIKE '%a' ? true
'b' LIKE '%a' ? false
'c' LIKE '%a' ? false
we have 1 true, and 3 falses, better use IN ()
rewriting to :
using IN: a IN ('a')
using NOT IN: a NOT IN ('','b','c')
or using ENUM INDEX:
using IN: a IN (1)
using NOT IN: a NOT IN (0,2,3)
example 4) (some values of enum, using NOT IN)
a != 'b' will result:
'' != 'b' ? true
'a' != 'b' ? true
'b' != 'b' ? false
'c' != 'b' ? true
we have 3 true, and 1 false, better use NOT IN ()
rewriting to:
using IN: a IN ('','a','c')
using NOT IN: a NOT IN ('b')
or using ENUM INDEX:
using IN: a IN (0,1,3)
using NOT IN: a NOT IN (2)
if (field->real_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM)
uint count_true_list =0;
uint count_false_list=0;
bool true_false_list[];
uint enum_field_counter=0;
char buffer[255];
String enum_item(buffer, sizeof(buffer), res.charset());
/* seek all values and check how many true/false we got */
set true_false_list to false;
/* true_false_list start from 0 to enum values +1, NULL = index 0, */
uint *len= field->typelib->type_lengths;
for (enum_field_counter=0,const char **pos= field->typelib->type_names; *pos; pos++, len++, enum_field_counter++)
enum_string_value= enum_item.copy(*pos, *len, charset(), res.charset(), &dummy_errors);
if (type == Item_func::IN_FUNC)
/* search in each IN value */
while( .. in_values .. )
if ((enum_str_value == in_str_value && in_value_is_string && compare_function(enum_str,in_str)) ||
(enum_int_value == in_int_value && !in_value_is_string && compare_function(enum_int,in_int))) {
count_true_list ++;
} else {
count_false_list ++;
} else if (type == Item_func::BETWEEN) {
/* two args */
// don't know what to do...
goto end;
} else {
/* only one value */
if ((enum_str_value == str_value && value_is_string && compare_function(enum_str,value_str)) ||
(enum_int_value == int_value && !value_is_string && compare_function(enum_int,value_int))) {
count_true_list ++;
} else {
count_false_list ++;
/* check about always true (discart operation) / false (impossible where) */
if (count_false_list == 0)
tree= &null_element; /* always true */
goto end;
if (count_true_list == 0)
tree->type= SEL_ARG::IMPOSSIBLE; /* impossible where */
goto end;
/* rewrite the operation using IN / NOT IN () */
if (count_false_list > count_true_list)
inv=true; /* add NOT before IN () */
for each true_false_list
add respective enum_value of true_false_list when it's false
add respective enum_value of true_false_list when it's true
goto end;
Hi Roberto,
>> i don't have many contact with source code of mariadb, but i didn't understand if you got the main idea...
I got your idea, it's just when somebody says that something is easy to implement, I hope they already know how exactly to implement it, hence the simplest way to get it done is to provide it in the form of a patch.
Anyway, I will re-attach your test case to the report if you don't mind, so it's not lost, and will convert it into a task (a.k.a feature request).