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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34694

Replication retry on checksum errors




      In the event of a replication checksum error, or other configurable replication issue, an option to be made available to have replication retry connections, rather than stop (current behaviour)

      Currently, in the event of a replication checksum error "[ERROR] Slave I/O: Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from network, Internal MariaDB error code: 1743" the manual solution (as recommended by MariaDB Support) is as follows:

      • Solution Approach:
      • - First we check if replication is broken with following error in "show replica status\G":
      • - Last_IO_Error: Relay log write failure: could not queue event from master
      • - Slave_IO_Running: No
      • If that is the case then we try following steps:
      • 1. Perform "STOP SLAVE" and "START SLAVE" commands to restart slave process
      • 2. Check if replication error is gone and it is resumed successfully
      • 3. If replication is still broken with same error after restarting slave process, then we need to re-establish the replication from a fresh master backup.

      The request here, is to automate that process once detected and retry the connection for a configurable number of retries, much like currently happens in the event of a server being unreachable (Timeouts).




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            richmeese Rich Meese
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