When having local MyISAM tables on Galera cluster nodes, and the experimental MyISAM replication feature NOT enabled, no DML events for MyISAM tables are replicated with MariaDB 10.6 up to 10.6.17, as expected.
Starting with 10.6.18 though,
is not replicated, as expected, but
now suddenly is.
How to reproduce:
- create a Galera Cluster using MariaDB 10.6.18, then:
create table t1(id serial, val varchar(100)) engine=myisam;
insert into t1 values(null, 'a');
insert into t1 values(null, 'b');
insert into t1 select null, 'c';
insert into t1 select null, 'd' from t1;
After that on the node the above was executed on, as expected:
MariaDB [test]> select * from t1;
| id | val |
| 1 | a |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | c |
| 5 | d |
| 6 | d |
| 7 | d |
But on the other nodes, where only the CREATE TABLE statement should have been replicated:
MariaDB [test]> select * from t1;
| id | val |
| 1 | c |
| 2 | d |
Note that there is only one row with a 'd' in the 'val' column, not four.
So looks as if the INSERT...SELECT was replicated in STATEMENT format.
But looking at the binlog written on the original node everything was logged in ROW format there as expected:
root@node-1:/var/lib/mysql# mysqlbinlog mysqld-bin.000003 | grep -i insert
#Q> insert into t1 values(null, 'a')
#Q> insert into t1 values(null, 'b')
#Q> insert into t1 select null, 'c'
#Q> insert into t1 select null, 'd' from t1
I assume this is somehow related to MDEV-33979? Or is it actually caused by the new Galera 26.4.18 version being used by 10.6.18?
Issue Links
- causes
MDEV-30653 With wsrep_mode=REPLICATE_ARIA only part of mixed-engine transactions is replicated
- Closed
- is caused by
MDEV-22063 Assertion `0' failed in wsrep::transaction::before_rollback
- Closed
hholzgra The fact that for MyISAM INSERT INTO SELECT is replicated as statement format is intended is that binlog from master? To my eyes last line looks like STATEMENT format. Normal INSERTs are replicated using ROW as expected. Decision is some DML replicated by Galera is done in server code. At the moment is is not 100% correct as for TRIGGERs, FUNCTIONs and PROCEDUREs there is not easy way to know all tables affected. I do not think this is related to
MDEV-33979and I'm sure it is not related to Galera library.