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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-34351

Shouldn't compare columns or constants of different data types




      In the update statement, I found it possible to compare columns and constants of different data types. But SQL Standard is very clear on this issue. I should get the error when I compare columns or constants of different data types. Actually, it is prescribed as a very hard error by the latest SQL Standard. Allowing changing data in rows by totally incompatible data types is very grave error.
      Here's a MySQL developer's explanation.(https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=115270)
      Here is my test case.
      In Mariadb

      CREATE TABLE t0(c0 TEXT , c1 DECIMAL , c2 BLOB );
      INSERT INTO t0 VALUES ('zeGTVmzYyL', -10723, 'zeGTVmzYyL');
      INSERT INTO t0(c2, c1, c0) VALUES ('m6MkaimUzq', -10811, 'm6MkaimUzq');
      INSERT IGNORE  INTO t0(c0) VALUES ('u3pHrhF5LF');
      mysql> SELECT * FROM t0 WHERE ((435600036)>=('-'));
      | c0         | c1     | c2         |
      | zeGTVmzYyL | -10723 | zeGTVmzYyL |
      | m6MkaimUzq | -10811 | m6MkaimUzq |
      | u3pHrhF5LF |   NULL | NULL       |
      3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
      mysql> UPDATE t0 SET c0='e9pvumJh2h', c1=3268, c2='e9pvumJh2h' WHERE ((435600036)>=('-'));
      Query OK, 3 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
      Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 1
      mysql> SELECT * FROM t0 WHERE ((435600036)>=('-'));
      | c0         | c1   | c2         |
      | e9pvumJh2h | 3268 | e9pvumJh2h |
      | e9pvumJh2h | 3268 | e9pvumJh2h |
      | e9pvumJh2h | 3268 | e9pvumJh2h |
      3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

      But in Mysql.

      mysql> SELECT * FROM t0 WHERE ((435600036)>=('-'));
      | c0         | c1     | c2         |
      | zeGTVmzYyL | -10723 | zeGTVmzYyL |
      | m6MkaimUzq | -10811 | m6MkaimUzq |
      | u3pHrhF5LF |   NULL | NULL       |
      3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
      mysql> UPDATE t0 SET c0='e9pvumJh2h', c1=3268, c2='e9pvumJh2h' WHERE ((435600036)>=('-'));
      ERROR 1292 (22007): Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '-'

      Thank for your reply.




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