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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-33771

InnoDB: Trying to access update undo rec field 32 in index `PRIMARY` of table `database`.`table` but index has only 16 fields



      Hello, we've made a report on https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-33208 in a comment on the latest available build, but it suddenly got closed, so I'm remaking it on a separate Jira.

      Hello, we recently experienced a similar issue on one of our servers running 10.11.7, which had an entire instance remade with logical dumps yesterday. MariaDB Server starts with innodb_force_recovery=2, but innodb_adaptive_flushing=OFF doesn't help to start without it in our case.

      Mar 08 16:29:44 hostname mysqld[2192941]: 2024-03-08 16:29:44 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to access update undo rec field 32 in index `PRIMARY` of table `database`.`table` but index has only 16 fields Submit a detailed bug report to https://jira.mariadb.org/. Run also CHECK TABLE `database`.`table`. n_fields = 104, i = 0
                      #0  0x000055fbe34b78dc row_purge_parse_undo_rec (/usr/sbin/mariadbd)
                      #1  0x000055fbe347e233 que_thr_step (/usr/sbin/mariadbd)
                      #2  0x000055fbe2df44da _Z9trx_purgemm (/usr/sbin/mariadbd)
                      #3  0x000055fbe34d48d3 _ZN23purge_coordinator_state8do_purgeEv (/usr/sbin/mariadbd)
                      #4  0x000055fbe35d681c _ZN5tpool10task_group7executeEPNS_4taskE (/usr/sbin/mariadbd)
                      #5  0x000055fbe35d461f _ZN5tpool19thread_pool_generic11worker_mainEPNS_11worker_dataE (/usr/sbin/mariadbd)
                      #6  0x00007f4c62d0cb23 n/a (n/a)

      Check table returns `OK`.
      I've uploaded core dump and related data to FTP server, I hope it helps.
      Core dump is in MDEV-33208-2024-03-08.tar.gz


        Issue Links


            I have reopened MDEV-33208. Let us continue this there.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - I have reopened MDEV-33208 . Let us continue this there.


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              arnklo Arnas Klova
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