Example failure:
CentOS 7 builds for MariaDB 10.5 are failing due to a bug in the generated RPM spec file.
MDEV-33301 introduced a change to add cap_ipc_lock=pe capability to mariadbd.
However, the %caps directive for CPACK_RPM_server_USER_FILELIST does not function as expected. The generated RPM spec contains:
%config(noreplace) "/etc/logrotate.d/mysql" |
%caps(cap "%caps(cap_ipc_lock=pe) %{_sbindir}/mysqld" |
%attr(700,mysql,-) "/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir" |
Thus when packaging the server RPM, the following error is thrown:
error: Invalid capability: cap "%caps(cap_ipc_lock=pe
Invalid capability: cap "%caps(cap_ipc_lock=pe`
It seems like older versions of cmake/rpm (have not pin-pointed which version contain this bug) do not handle the "_" character correctly for the %caps directive.
Most likely, for older versions of the build system, we would need to set the file capability during post installation similar to how it's currenlty done for debian.
cmake version:
rpm version: 4.11.3-48
Steps to Reproduce
docker run --interactive --tty -v ${PWD}:/mariadb -w /mariadb centos:7 bash |
yum-builddep -y mariadb-server
yum install -y yum-utils rpm-build gcc gcc-c++ bison libxml2-devel libevent-devel openssl-devel pcre2-devel |
mkdir builddir; cd builddir |
make package -j 2 |
For reference, CentOS 8 builds succeed
The generated RPM spec correctly contains:
%config(noreplace) "/etc/logrotate.d/mysql"
%caps(cap_ipc_lock=pe) "%{_sbindir}/mysqld"
%attr(700,%{mysqld_user},-) "/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir"
cmake version: 3.26.5-2
rpm version: 4.14.3-31