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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-33057

alter table form s3 to different engine on leader break replicas with binlog_alter_two_phase;




      On a replication cluster using mixed InnoDB tables ( active dataset) and S3 tables ( read only dataset) stored on a single shared s3 server.

      At some point to modify the content of any s3 table, we can alter it back to InnoDB on the leader of the replication cluster

      The new InnoDB table get deleted on all replicas probably via table discovery breaking the capability to failover the cluster without a filter on the modified table.

      The solution would be to inject DDL create or replace and all row events of the fetched row to innodb to materialized the innodb table on all replicas and looking at the binlogs we can see a tentative of doing this using binlog-alter-two-phase

      The reason it failed in optimistic and semi-sync the replication SQL thread receive the alter table but deadlock with a drop table

      |      6 | system user |                 | NULL         | Slave_IO     | 869406 | Waiting for master to send event              | NULL                                                             |    0.000 |
      |      8 | system user |                 | NULL         | Slave_worker | 869406 | Waiting for work from SQL thread              | NULL                                                             |    0.000 |
      |     10 | system user |                 | observations | Slave_worker |   2562 | Waiting for table metadata lock               | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `observations`.`climato_controle_terrestre` |    0.000 |
      |      9 | system user |                 | NULL         | Slave_worker | 869406 | Waiting for work from SQL thread              | NULL                                                             |    0.000 |
      |     11 | system user |                 | observations | Slave_worker |   2565 | NULL                                          | alter table climato_controle_terrestre engine=innodb             |    0.000 |
      |      7 | system user |                 | NULL         | Slave_SQL    | 155427 | Waiting for room in worker thread event queue | NULL   

      killing the alter and the drop table SQL threads and restart slave recover the innodb table on replicat

      for the record we used
      MariaDB [observations]> show variables like 's3%';

      Variable_name Value
      s3_block_size 4194304
      s3_bucket archive-db-obs
      s3_debug OFF
      s3_pagecache_age_threshold 300
      s3_pagecache_buffer_size 134217728
      s3_pagecache_division_limit 100
      s3_pagecache_file_hash_size 512
      s3_port 9000
      s3_protocol_version Auto
      s3_replicate_alter_as_create_select ON
      s3_slave_ignore_updates ON
      s3_use_http ON

      We can confirme that disabling set global binlog_alter_two_phase=OFF; as suggested by @Kristian Nielsen is a valid workaround and table get restored on all replicas without replication issues


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