Status: Stalled (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
The following tests: binlog_xa_recover, binlog_xa_prepared_disconnect, and binlog_empty_xa_prepared have proven to be unstable.
The issue is that they fail differently, and additionally fail in various different ways, on base 10.6 and the MDEV-32830 patch trees. As such, MTR stress testing of XA + binlog on the MDEV-32830 patch is not possible, and it is possible that MDEV-32830 is causing different/additional issues.
Given this, these tests will need to be fixed and stabilized before signoff on the MDEV-32830 patch can happen.
The failures occur even when run in single-thread instances (verified), but various issues can be made to shown quickly (< ~1 minute) using:
rm -Rf /dev/shm/var_auto*; MTR_MEM=/dev/shm ./mysql-test-run --repeat=35 --parallel=30 --mem --force binlog_xa_recover{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,} | tee mtr_output.txt |
rm -Rf /dev/shm/var_auto*; MTR_MEM=/dev/shm ./mysql-test-run --repeat=35 --parallel=30 --mem --force binlog_xa_prepared_disconnect{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,} | tee mtr_output.txt |
rm -Rf /dev/shm/var_auto*; MTR_MEM=/dev/shm ./mysql-test-run --repeat=35 --parallel=30 --mem --force binlog_empty_xa_prepared{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,} | tee mtr_output.txt |
Issue Links
- is blocked by
MDEV-32830 refactor XA binlogging for better integration with BGC/replication/recovery
- In Progress
Regrettably I am also seeing, more sporadically, issues with binlog_xa_checkpoint, binlog_xa_handling and xa_binlog, though the latter thus far on base only.
binlog_xa_checkpoint and binlog_xa_handling will thus need to be checked also. For binlog_xa_handling issues have been seen only on the patch tree thus far.
Additionally, what may be of interest, xa_binlog is considerably faster (17 seconds versus 70 seconds for 1085 tests) on the patch tree than on base. For this testcase, there seems to be a clear parallelism at work in the patch tree unlike base.