Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-32255

select does not use index when using different column



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • 11.2.0
    • N/A
    • Server
    • 11.1.2-MariaDB-1:11.1.2+maria~ubu2204



      CREATE TABLE "qms_occurrences" (
          "id" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_created_by" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "dt_created" date NOT NULL,
          "title" varchar(160) NOT NULL,
          "sector" varchar(80) NOT NULL,
          "description" text NOT NULL,
          "reason" varchar(160) NOT NULL,
          "disposition" varchar(160) NOT NULL,
          "state" smallint(6) NOT NULL,
          "ref_accepted_by" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_analised_by" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "dt_analyse_due" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_analysed" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "ref_approved_by" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_executed_by" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "execute_state" smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_execute_estim_start" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_execute_estim_end" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_execute_real_start" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_execute_real_end" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "ref_verified_by" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "archived" tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
          "ref_category" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_type" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "serial" varchar(40) NOT NULL,
          "ref_actionplan_analysis" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "priority" smallint(6) NOT NULL,
          "ref_previous" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "restriction" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "workflow" smallint(6) NOT NULL,
          "ref_owner" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "dt_approve_due" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_execute_due" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "ref_actionplan_disposition" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "dt_verify_due" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "dt_last_verification" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "context_count" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "initiative_count" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_event_accepted" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_event_approved" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_event_executed" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "ref_event_verified" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "next_update" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "options" varchar(32) NOT NULL,
          "stage_current" smallint(6) NOT NULL,
          "stage_origin" smallint(6) NOT NULL,
          "dt_accept_due" date DEFAULT NULL,
          "analysis_family" int(11) NOT NULL,
          "analysis_source" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_category" ("ref_category"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_restriction" ("restriction"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_state" ("state"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_type" ("ref_type"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_disposition" ("ref_actionplan_disposition"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_analysis" ("ref_actionplan_analysis"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_created" ("ref_created_by"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_previous" ("ref_previous"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_accepted" ("ref_accepted_by"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_analised" ("ref_analised_by"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_approved" ("ref_approved_by"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_executed" ("ref_executed_by"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_verified" ("ref_verified_by"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_owner" ("ref_owner"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_evaccepted" ("ref_event_accepted"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_evapproved" ("ref_event_approved"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_evexecuted" ("ref_event_executed"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_evverified" ("ref_event_verified"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_serial" ("serial"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_workflow" ("workflow"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_created_on" ("dt_created"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_archived" ("archived"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_dt_analysed" ("dt_analysed"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_current" ("stage_current"),
          KEY "qms_occurrences_origin" ("stage_origin"),
          KEY "qms_categories_state" ("state"),
          KEY "ix_qms_occu_stage_origin" ("stage_origin"),
          KEY "ix_qms_occu_stage_current" ("stage_current"),
          KEY "ix_qms_occurrences_state_id" ("state", "id")

      Query with column indexed isnt using index, that situation has performance issue:

      select O.state from qms_occurrences O where O.serial like '%TSI-85496%'

      id select_type table type possible_keys key  key_len ref  rows   filtered Extra      
       -- ----------- ----- ---- ------------- ---- ------- ---- ------ -------- -----------
       1  SIMPLE      O     ALL  NULL          NULL NULL    NULL 189266 100.00   Using where

      select O.serial from qms_occurrences O where O.serial like '%TSI-85496%'

      id select_type table type  possible_keys key                    key_len ref  rows   filtered Extra                   
      -- ----------- ----- ----- ------------- ---------------------- ------- ---- ------ -------- ------------------------
      1  SIMPLE      O     index NULL          qms_occurrences_serial 42      NULL 189266 100.00   Using where; Using index




            serg Sergei Golubchik
            tomasi.artur Artur Tomasi
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue



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