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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-32121

Table size in DB Replication is not same



      Hi Team,

      We have a MariaDB Replication Setup and on the same we had created a database.
      Inside the database we have created a table in which we are performing CRUD Operations.

      And we had observed that the table size on Maria DB1 is around 1-2 GB while size on Maria DB2 is around 250-300GB and it keeps on increasing.

      We have also found that data-free variable from output of show table status command keeps on increasing.

      When we take backup of that table & restore it again then the size gets decreased & then after some time it gets increased.

      Please suggest the way forward.



          is the table definition identical?
          I mean, show create table on both nodes.
          Is the data identical? Like, CHECKSUM TABLE, the same?
          How did you bootstrap the slave, where did it get the initial table from? Was it an empty slave and everything, including CREATE TABLE was replicated or did you restore it from a backup?

          serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - is the table definition identical? I mean, show create table on both nodes. Is the data identical? Like, CHECKSUM TABLE, the same? How did you bootstrap the slave, where did it get the initial table from? Was it an empty slave and everything, including CREATE TABLE was replicated or did you restore it from a backup?
          ashwani.singh ASHWANI SINGH added a comment -

          Hi Sergei,
          The table & checksum are identical.
          Data is also identical.

          Replication we enabled using the MASTER LOG File & MASTER LOG POS.
          The table was also created via replication only.
          There are some applications that write data on the master DB.

          ashwani.singh ASHWANI SINGH added a comment - Hi Sergei, The table & checksum are identical. Data is also identical. Replication we enabled using the MASTER LOG File & MASTER LOG POS. The table was also created via replication only. There are some applications that write data on the master DB.

          still, please, show the output of show create table on the master.

          serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - still, please, show the output of show create table on the master.
          ashwani.singh ASHWANI SINGH added a comment -

          Hi Sergei,
          Please find the attached txt file.

          ashwani.singh ASHWANI SINGH added a comment - Hi Sergei, Please find the attached txt file. sessions.txt

          Do you have InnoDB page compression enabled? What's the filesystem on the master and on the slave, the same?

          serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - Do you have InnoDB page compression enabled? What's the filesystem on the master and on the slave, the same?


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            ashwani.singh ASHWANI SINGH
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