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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-31326

insert statement executed multiple times on slave


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • 10.6.13
    • N/A
    • Replication
    • None
    • Centos7
      slave_parallel_threads = 128
      slave_parallel_mode = conservative


      After upgrade to version 10.6.13, replication stops with Error 'Duplicate entry'

      show slave status \G
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
                      Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                         Master_Host: ********
                         Master_User: repl
                         Master_Port: 3306
                       Connect_Retry: 60
                     Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000545
                 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 402372410
                      Relay_Log_File: slave-relay.001565
                       Relay_Log_Pos: 316419462
               Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000511
                    Slave_IO_Running: Yes
                   Slave_SQL_Running: No
                          Last_Errno: 1062
                          Last_Error: Error 'Duplicate entry '88473796' for key 'PRIMARY'' on query.
                       Skip_Counter: 0
                 Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 316419163
      MariaDB []> stop slave;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.077 sec)
      MariaDB [> SET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter = 1;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.000 sec)
      MariaDB []> start slave;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.019 sec)
      MariaDB []> show slave status \G
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
                      Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                         Master_Host: ********
                         Master_User: repl
                         Master_Port: 3306
                       Connect_Retry: 60
                     Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000545
                 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 405814390
                      Relay_Log_File: slave-relay.001565
                       Relay_Log_Pos: 316423101
               Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000511
                    Slave_IO_Running: Yes
                   Slave_SQL_Running: No
                          Last_Errno: 1062
                          Last_Error: Error 'Duplicate entry '88473796' for key 'PRIMARY''
      Skip_Counter: 0
                 Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 316422802

      We can see the Exec_Master_Log_Pos update from 316419163 to 316422802 , but it fails on the same insert.

      In binary logs the insert is done only once, at position 316425036

      Here is what we have in the binary logs:

      #230520 11:38:28 server id 1  end_log_pos 316419163 CRC32 0xeae636ef    Xid = 990882515
      # at 316419163
      #230520 11:38:28 server id 1  end_log_pos 316422802 CRC32 0x099dbd6a    Xid = 990882526
      # at 316422802
      # at 316425036
      #230520 11:38:28 server id 1  end_log_pos 316426018 CRC32 0xa4bad5cc    Query   thread_id=2393709       exec_time=0     error_code=0    xid=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1684575508/*!*/;
      insert into ... values ... 88473796

      I will put the binary logs on the FTP server for confidentiality reasons.



        Issue Links


            MDEV-31326.tgz uploaded to ftp.mariadb.org/private/


            pmoiroux Patrick Moiroux added a comment - MDEV-31326 .tgz uploaded to ftp.mariadb.org/private/ Thanks


            I don't think it's related to MDEV-31120 ..

            I checked on the master and the row is unique..

            Each time I was skipping the insert on the slave, it was going further and having the same issue on another insert on that table ( 14028 inserts on that table in the file mysql-bin.000511)

            I skipped about 20 inserts, and then I updated the value of slave_parallel_threads from 128 to 1, and suddenly it worked without issue...

            So to summarize:

            With slave_parallel_threads =128 , it seems like multiple threads were trying to commit the same inserts.

            With slave_parallel_threads =1, slave was able to process the entire binary logs and to catch up the master...

            pmoiroux Patrick Moiroux added a comment - Hello, I don't think it's related to MDEV-31120 .. I checked on the master and the row is unique.. Each time I was skipping the insert on the slave, it was going further and having the same issue on another insert on that table ( 14028 inserts on that table in the file mysql-bin.000511) I skipped about 20 inserts, and then I updated the value of slave_parallel_threads from 128 to 1, and suddenly it worked without issue... So to summarize: With slave_parallel_threads =128 , it seems like multiple threads were trying to commit the same inserts. With slave_parallel_threads =1, slave was able to process the entire binary logs and to catch up the master...

            Hi pmoiroux,

            Thanks for the report. I have some questions:

            1) What was the process for the upgrade?
            2) Were both master and slave upgraded?
            3) Would it be possible to get the schema? For instance, with mariadb-dump --all-databases --no-data? This can be uploaded to the same ftp server.

            Thank you.

            angelique.sklavounos Angelique Sklavounos (Inactive) added a comment - Hi pmoiroux , Thanks for the report. I have some questions: 1) What was the process for the upgrade? 2) Were both master and slave upgraded? 3) Would it be possible to get the schema? For instance, with mariadb-dump --all-databases --no-data ? This can be uploaded to the same ftp server. Thank you.

            Hi Angelique,

            Yes both slave and master were upgraded (Slave first) and upgrade was standard:

            Stop the slave
            yum update MariaDB*
            Start the slave
            Do the same on the Master

            I uploaded the structure on the private folder: MDEV-31326.dump.tgz


            pmoiroux Patrick Moiroux added a comment - Hi Angelique, Yes both slave and master were upgraded (Slave first) and upgrade was standard: Stop the slave yum update MariaDB* Start the slave Do the same on the Master I uploaded the structure on the private folder: MDEV-31326 .dump.tgz Thanks

            Hi pmoiroux,

            Thanks for that. A few more questions/requests...

            1) What was the old version of MariaDB before the upgrade?
            2) Output of show global variables
            3) Do you happen to have the full output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS that was shown in the Description?
            4) What was the CHANGE MASTER statement used on the slave?

            Thank you.

            angelique.sklavounos Angelique Sklavounos (Inactive) added a comment - Hi pmoiroux , Thanks for that. A few more questions/requests... 1) What was the old version of MariaDB before the upgrade? 2) Output of show global variables 3) Do you happen to have the full output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS that was shown in the Description? 4) What was the CHANGE MASTER statement used on the slave? Thank you.

            Hello Angelique,

            1) I was running 10.6.12 but was impacted by “InnoDB hang on B-tree split or merge (MDEV-29835)” , so I ran for a while with 10.6.13 from https://ci.mariadb.org/33837/amd64-centos-7-rpm-autobake/rpms. Then I installed the official 10.6.13 release on 2023-05-11. The replication was broken on 2023-05-20 and after multiple attempts to skip duplicate with "SET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter = 1;" , I decided to update the value of slave_parallel_threads from 128 to 1 and it allowed to continue without errors and to catch the master. After that I switched from "Parallel_Mode: conservative" to "Parallel_Mode: optimistic" and back to "slave_parallel_threads = 128". Issue did not occur since then

            2) Output uploaded to MDEV-31326.output.tgz

            3) Yes I still have the output of "SHOW SLAVE STATUS". uploaded as well

            4) I did not execute CHANGE MASTER since I did the initial setup but the command I used was "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='XXXXX',MASTER_USER='repl',MASTER_PASSWORD='XXXXXX',MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000001',MASTER_LOG_POS=608;"


            pmoiroux Patrick Moiroux added a comment - Hello Angelique, 1) I was running 10.6.12 but was impacted by “InnoDB hang on B-tree split or merge ( MDEV-29835 )” , so I ran for a while with 10.6.13 from https://ci.mariadb.org/33837/amd64-centos-7-rpm-autobake/rpms . Then I installed the official 10.6.13 release on 2023-05-11. The replication was broken on 2023-05-20 and after multiple attempts to skip duplicate with " SET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter = 1; " , I decided to update the value of slave_parallel_threads from 128 to 1 and it allowed to continue without errors and to catch the master. After that I switched from " Parallel_Mode: conservative " to " Parallel_Mode: optimistic " and back to " slave_parallel_threads = 128 ". Issue did not occur since then 2) Output uploaded to MDEV-31326 .output.tgz 3) Yes I still have the output of " SHOW SLAVE STATUS ". uploaded as well 4) I did not execute CHANGE MASTER since I did the initial setup but the command I used was "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='XXXXX',MASTER_USER='repl',MASTER_PASSWORD='XXXXXX',MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000001',MASTER_LOG_POS=608;" Thanks, Patrick
            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment -

            I am closing the ticket as the issue was somewhat resolved by the reporter.
            There's no way to advance with analysis any further,
            unless it's reproducible in which case a new report would be suggested.

            Elkin Andrei Elkin added a comment - I am closing the ticket as the issue was somewhat resolved by the reporter. There's no way to advance with analysis any further, unless it's reproducible in which case a new report would be suggested.


              angelique.sklavounos Angelique Sklavounos (Inactive)
              pmoiroux Patrick Moiroux
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



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