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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-29340

The DISABLE ON SLAVE option sets the status SLAVESIDE_DISABLED on master and slaves EVENTS



      The DISABLE ON SLAVE option sets the status SLAVESIDE_DISABLED on master and slaves EVENTS

      This appears to be a bug that has been around for some time and/or a leftover from the past with a misleading status for an EVENT on a master node.

      I can't think of a case were changing an EVENT to DISABLE ON SLAVE would be useful, since by default CREATE EVENT sets the status on the slaves to SLAVESIDE_DISABLED.

      "DISABLE ON SLAVE" used with CREATE or ALTER EVENT should either:

      A) NOT change the EVENT status on the master node to SLAVESIDE_DISABLED and keeping current ENABLED or DISABLED status on master. Or act like the DISABLE option and keep the event status on the slaves to SLAVESIDE_DISABLED.


      B) Remove the DISABLE ON SLAVE option altogether from CREATE or ALTER EVENT. DISABLE can be used instead. Having the status SLAVESIDE_DISABLED on an EVENT on the master node is misleading.

      Also see MDEV-12284



          An event can be in one of the tree states: A, B, and C. And there's an ALTER EVENT statement that allows to change the state. It would be very weird if ALTER EVENT ... A would change the state to A, ALTER EVENT ... B would change the state to B, while ALTER EVENT ... C would change the state to A. It'd be a very non-intuitive and unexpected behavior.

          Another reason for keeping the current behavior, besides consistency, is mysqldump. One may want to do perform a backup on a slave and later restore it exactly as it was, including events in the SLAVESIDE_DISABLED state. Meaning CREATE EVENT ... DISABLE ON SLAVE should work as it does now.

          serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - An event can be in one of the tree states: A, B, and C. And there's an ALTER EVENT statement that allows to change the state. It would be very weird if ALTER EVENT ... A would change the state to A, ALTER EVENT ... B would change the state to B, while ALTER EVENT ... C would change the state to A. It'd be a very non-intuitive and unexpected behavior. Another reason for keeping the current behavior, besides consistency, is mysqldump. One may want to do perform a backup on a slave and later restore it exactly as it was , including events in the SLAVESIDE_DISABLED state. Meaning CREATE EVENT ... DISABLE ON SLAVE should work as it does now.


            serg Sergei Golubchik
            martin.reinhardt@mariadb.com Martin Reinhardt
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