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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-28041

Invalid resulset received for prepared statement




      Issue Description

      When a prepared statement is issued with a high enough number of parameters an invalid resulset (no resulset) is received from server side. Both client libraries `libmysqlclient` and `libmariadbclient` has been tested against a MariaDB backend, leading to the same result. A minimal test case that can be compiled against both of these libraries, together with traffic captures is provided for reproducing the issue.

      Errors reported by client libraries


      error: 'Attempt to read a row while there is no result set associated with the statement'


      error: 'Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now'

      Error reported in MariaDB error log

      2022-03-11 12:27:00 1708 [Warning] Aborted connection 1708 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
      2022-03-11 12:27:03 1709 [Warning] Aborted connection 1709 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)

      Traffic captures showing the issue:

      In the following traffic captures it can be seen valid requests (COM_STMT_EXECUTE) and the responses from MariaDB.

      Valid request - COM_STMT_EXECUTE - libmariadb_valid_stmt_response.pcapng:

      Frame 16: 2006 bytes on wire (16048 bits), 2006 bytes captured (16048 bits) on interface any, id 0
      Linux cooked capture v1
      Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49516, Dst Port: 3306, Seq: 10703, Ack: 28346, Len: 1938
      [2 Reassembled TCP Segments (10130 bytes): #15(8192), #16(1938)]
      MySQL Protocol
          Packet Length: 10126
          Packet Number: 0
          Request Command Execute Statement

      Valid response - BinaryProtocolResulset - libmariadb_valid_stmt_response.pcapng:

      Frame 17: 286 bytes on wire (2288 bits), 286 bytes captured (2288 bits) on interface any, id 0
      Linux cooked capture v1
      Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3306, Dst Port: 49516, Seq: 28346, Ack: 12641, Len: 218
      MySQL Protocol
      ... { More packets } ...
      MySQL Protocol
          Packet Length: 5
          Packet Number: 7
          Response Code: EOF Packet (0xfe)
          EOF marker: 254
          Warnings: 0
          Server Status: 0x0000
          Payload: 2200

      Offending request - COM_STMT_EXECUTE - libmariadb_invalid_stmt_response.pcapng:

      Frame 16: 2016 bytes on wire (16128 bits), 2016 bytes captured (16128 bits) on interface any, id 0
      Linux cooked capture v1
      Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49514, Dst Port: 3306, Seq: 10705, Ack: 28374, Len: 1948
      [2 Reassembled TCP Segments (10140 bytes): #15(8192), #16(1948)]
      MySQL Protocol
          Packet Length: 10136
          Packet Number: 0
          Request Command Execute Statement

      Invalid Response - libmariadb_invalid_stmt_response.pcapng:

      Expected BinaryProtocolResulset, received just OK packet:

      Frame 17: 79 bytes on wire (632 bits), 79 bytes captured (632 bits) on interface any, id 0
      Linux cooked capture v1
      Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
      Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 3306, Dst Port: 49514, Seq: 28374, Ack: 12653, Len: 11
      MySQL Protocol
          Packet Length: 7
          Packet Number: 1
          Response Code: OK Packet (0x00)
          Prefix: 0
          Length: 0
          Prefix: 0
          Length: 0
          Affected Rows: 0
          Prefix: 0
          Length: 0
          Server Status: 0x0002
          Warnings: 0

      Issue Reproduction

      Script compilation

      Against `libmysqlclient`:

      g++ -DLIBMYSQLCLIENT test_stmt_large_param_num.cpp -I/usr/include/mysql -ldl -std=c++11 -lmysqlclient -o libmysql_test_stmt_large_param_num

      Against `libmariadbclient`:

      g++ test_stmt_large_param_num.cpp -I/usr/include/mysql -ldl -std=c++11 -lmariadbclient -o libmariadb_test_stmt_large_param_num

      Script usage

      Using the provided test script it's just enough to use it against a MariaDB, and the issue will be reproduce, script usage is the following:

      test_stmt_large_param_num -h <mysql host> -u <mysql user> -p <mysql password> -P <mysql port> -N <stmt_param_num>

      Where '-N' specifies the number of parameters to be created for the stmt to be issued. Simple testing using the script via:

      for i in {500..2000}; do ./libmariadb_test_stmt_large_param_num -h '' -u root -p root -P 3306 -N $i; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ArgNum: $i - $(date); break; fi; done

      Revealed that `1000` appears to be the offending number of parameters that triggers the issue, at least in the used testing environment.


        1. libmariadb_invalid_stmt_response.pcapng
          42 kB
          Javier Jaramago Fernández
        2. libmariadb_valid_stmt_response.pcapng
          42 kB
          Javier Jaramago Fernández
        3. libmysql_invalid_stmt_response.pcapng
          41 kB
          Javier Jaramago Fernández
        4. libmysql_valid_stmt_response.pcapng
          41 kB
          Javier Jaramago Fernández
        5. test_stmt_large_param_num.cpp
          7 kB
          Javier Jaramago Fernández

        Issue Links



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              javjarfer Javier Jaramago Fernández
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