Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.8.2, 10.6, 10.7(EOL), 10.8(EOL)
Docker official image
The following SELECT statement:
SELECT as any_id, u.*, attrs.*
FROM SyncopeUser u, JSON_TABLE(COALESCE(plainAttrs, '[{}]'), '$[*]' COLUMNS (
plainSchema VARCHAR(255) PATH '$.schema',
NESTED PATH '$.values[*]' COLUMNS (
binaryValue LONGBLOB PATH '$.binaryValue',
booleanValue INT PATH '$.booleanValue',
dateValue BIGINT(20) PATH '$.dateValue',
doubleValue DOUBLE PATH '$.doubleValue',
longValue BIGINT(20) PATH '$.longValue',
stringValue VARCHAR(255) PATH '$.stringValue'),
attrUniqueValue JSON PATH '$.uniqueValue')
) AS attrs
returns only NULL values for the attrUniqueValue column, even though the value from the plainAttrs column are as follows:
"values": [
"stringValue": "Rossini"
"schema": "surname"
"values": [
"dateValue": 1243288800000
"dateValue": 1274824800000
"schema": "loginDate"
"uniqueValue": {
"stringValue": "Gioacchino Rossini"
"schema": "fullname"
"uniqueValue": {
"stringValue": ""
"schema": "userId"
The same exact query run against MySQL 8.0 produces the expected result, e.g. for some rows the uniqueValue column being a JSON column with values:
"stringValue": ""
"stringValue": "Gioacchino Rossini"
Issue Links
- relates to
MDEV-34644 CREATE VIEW: NULL values from JSON NESTED PATH with JSON column
- Confirmed
- links to
In reality it doesn't return NULL as a result, it returns NULL as an indication of an error. It is clearer when ERROR ON ERROR is used:
"values": [
"stringValue": "Rossini"
"schema": "surname"
"values": [
"dateValue": 1243288800000
"dateValue": 1274824800000
"schema": "loginDate"
"uniqueValue": {
"stringValue": "Gioacchino Rossini"
"schema": "fullname"
"uniqueValue": {
"stringValue": ""
"schema": "userId"
# Cleanup
10.6 4e1ca388
In MySQL it works, because they have the logic for JSON column type in a JSON table, but MariaDB doesn't, it treats it the same way as TEXT.
I remember discussions about it before, but not the result, so I'll leave it to holyfoot – maybe there is already a task for implementing it.