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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-27621

Backup fails with FATAL ERROR: Was only able to copy log from .. to .., not ..


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 10.8(EOL)
    • 10.8.1
    • mariabackup
    • None


      The test performs a number of tiny updates on a single table, and after they are done, runs mariabackup --backup. On earlier versions, it works fine, but on 10.8 it fails almost reliably with

      10.8 05050867

      [00] FATAL ERROR: 2022-01-25 20:17:19 Was only able to copy log from 25657966 to 27195457, not 27418414; try increasing innodb_log_file_size

      The value of innodb_log_file_size is indeed small, in order to minimize the test, but the issue is scalable. I started from the default 96M, with several tables with more columns, more keys, and bigger number of UPDATEs, but otherwise very similar load. I suppose it scales further up the same way, I didn't try.

      It fails for me most of the times, both in shm and on SSD, but it's not deterministic and the result can vary on different machines and builds.
      If it doesn't fail for you, try to re-run. If it continues not to fail, try to increase the number of cycles. It also seems to fail more willingly on faster (non-debug) builds.

      Possibly it can be made more stable by more precise handling of the InnoDB log.

      --source include/have_innodb.inc
      CREATE TABLE t (pk int,
       c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, c5 int, c6 int, c7 int,
       c8 int, c9 int, c10 int, c11 int, c12 int, c13 int, c14 int,
       c15 int, c16 int, c17 int, c18 int, c19 int, c20 int, c21 int,
       c22 int, c23 int, c24 int, c25 int, c26 int, c27 int, c28 int,
       c29 int, c30 int, c31 int, c32 int, c33 int, c34 int, c35 int,
       c36 int, c37 int, c38 int, c39 int, c40 int, c41 int, c42 int,
       c43 int, c44 int, c45 int, c46 int, c47 int, c48 int, c49 int,
       primary key (pk),
       key (c1), key (c2), key (c3), key (c4), key (c5), key (c6), key (c7),
       key (c8), key (c9), key (c10), key (c11), key (c12), key (c13), key (c14),
       key (c15), key (c16), key (c17), key (c18), key (c19), key (c20), key (c21),
       key (c22), key (c23), key (c24), key (c25), key (c26), key (c27), key (c28),
       key (c29), key (c30), key (c31), key (c32), key (c33), key (c34), key (c35),
       key (c36), key (c37), key (c38), key (c39), key (c40), key (c41), key (c42),
       key (c43), key (c44), key (c45), key (c46), key (c47), key (c48), key (c49)
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
      INSERT INTO t (pk) VALUES (1);
      --let $restart_parameters= --innodb-log-file-size=2M
      --source include/restart_mysqld.inc
      SET rand_seed1= 1, rand_seed2= 1;
      --let $cycles= 2000
      while ($cycles)
        --let $columns= 49
        while ($columns)
          --eval UPDATE t AS alias1 SET alias1.c$columns = ROUND(RAND())*255 - 128;
          --dec $columns
        UPDATE t AS alias1 SET alias1.pk = ROUND(RAND())*255 - 128;
        --dec $cycles
      --error 0,1
      --exec $XTRABACKUP --backup --target-dir=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mbackup_dir --protocol=tcp --port=$MASTER_MYPORT --user=root > $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mbackup.log 2>&1
      if ($sys_errno)
        --echo ############ Tail of MariaBackup error log: ############
        --exec tail $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mbackup.log
        --echo ########################################################
        --die "Backup failed"
      # Cleanup
      DROP TABLE t;

      The failure started happening on 10.8 after this commit:

      commit 685d958e38b825ad9829be311f26729cccf37c46 (HEAD)
      Author: Marko Mäkelä <marko.makela@mariadb.com>
      Date:   Fri Jan 21 16:03:47 2022 +0200
          MDEV-14425 Improve the redo log for concurrency


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              marko Marko Mäkelä
              elenst Elena Stepanova
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