Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Currently execution time for the replicated query is not limited in any clear way. On primary node we can use max_statement_time, but this value is neither passed to slave nor enforced for SQL thread when it's set locally. So, there is no way to "control" replication delay and just stop with error when it's too big already.
I think option to stop with error after specific timeout (that may be different than local max_statement_time or primary's max_statement_time) would be useful for replication setups.
Slave appliers indeed ignore global.max_statement_time which they must be initialized with (as the user connection threads do). Whether that's designed on purpose (doubts) or is actually buggy remains to be seen.
Should there be no such effect the requested functionally could be provided without any new option.
To add more, init-slave is around to fine tune slave appliers so @@SESSION level setting
like this one could be technically done though that.