Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-26733

assert on shutdown lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR in test



      http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/builders/winx64-debug/builds/27582/steps/test/logs/stdio shows an assertion

      bb-10.5-mdev-26539 ad74dfc98a6d670802d6ca74476bf068e2779f5e

      server!ut_dbg_assertion_failed [D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\ut\ut0dbg.cc @ 61]
      char * expr = 0x00007ff9`cd4da078 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR"
      char * file = 0x00007ff9`cd4da128 "D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc"
      unsigned int line = 0xfe
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      server!rw_lock_free_func [D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc @ 254]
      struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x00000219`e7bdfdf8
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      server!pfs_rw_lock_free_func [D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\include\sync0rw.ic @ 612]
      struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x00000219`e7bdfdf8
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      server!buf_block_free_mutexes [D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1377]
      struct buf_block_t * block = 0x00000219`e9c412b0
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      server!buf_pool_t::close [D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1539]
      unsigned int64 i = 0x15f7
      struct buf_block_t * block = 0x00000219`e9c412b0
      struct buf_pool_t::chunk_t * chunk = 0x00000219`e4f1e6a8
      class buf_pool_t * this = 0x00007ff9`cf087580
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      server!innodb_shutdown [D:\winx64-debug\build\src\storage\innobase\srv\srv0start.cc @ 2109]
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

      there are no other innodb threads at this moment


        Issue Links


            The assertion failure says that a buffer page latch is in reserved state while the buffer pool is being freed. Because no other InnoDB threads exist, this ought to have been caused by some earlier race condition or memory corruption. If the bug is in InnoDB, that

            The 10.6 or later equivalent (if this were to occur there) would be the assertion failure !is_locked_or_waiting() in srw_mutex_impl::destroy(), or some assertion failure in sux_lock<ssux_lock_impl<true>>::free(). Also that call stack should include buf_block_free_mutexes().

            The following in the log is misleading:

            innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile '32k,innodb' w2 [ fail ]  Found warnings/errors in server log file!
                    Test ended at 2021-09-30 15:05:16
            210930 15:04:49 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;
            Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
            ^ Found warnings in D:/winx64-debug/build/mysql-test/var/2/log/mysqld.1.err

            But, in the server error log, nothing failed during the execution of that test. There is also something very strange in that log file: some messages that were written by the client side, not by the server at all. Only the first message in the snippet below is from a server:

            2021-09-30 15:04:52 0 [Note] D:/winx64-debug/build/sql//Debug/mariadbd.exe: Shutdown complete
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile
            $ D:/winx64-debug/build/sql//Debug/mariadbd.exe --defaults-group-suffix=.1 --defaults-file=D:/winx64-debug/build/mysql-test/var/2/my.cnf --log-output=file --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-lock-waits --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --innodb-page-size=32K --innodb-buffer-pool-size=24M --core-file --loose-debug-sync-timeout=300
            innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb'       w1 [ fail ]  Found warnings/errors in server log file!
                    Test ended at 2021-09-30 15:04:54
            210930 15:04:49 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;
            Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
            ^ Found warnings in D:/winx64-debug/build/mysql-test/var/1/log/mysqld.1.err

            That branch is only one commit ahead of 10.5 be803f037f98812410f24b67af61aa7857969dcf, and nothing in that commit should affect this.

            Can you repeat this failure when running the test innodb.undo_truncate on Windows for a few hundred or thousand times?

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - The assertion failure says that a buffer page latch is in reserved state while the buffer pool is being freed. Because no other InnoDB threads exist, this ought to have been caused by some earlier race condition or memory corruption. If the bug is in InnoDB, that The 10.6 or later equivalent (if this were to occur there) would be the assertion failure !is_locked_or_waiting() in srw_mutex_impl::destroy() , or some assertion failure in sux_lock<ssux_lock_impl<true>>::free() . Also that call stack should include buf_block_free_mutexes() . The following in the log is misleading: innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile '32k,innodb' w2 [ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file! Test ended at 2021-09-30 15:05:16 line 210930 15:04:49 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;     Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out     ^ Found warnings in D:/winx64-debug/build/mysql-test/var/2/log/mysqld.1.err But, in the server error log , nothing failed during the execution of that test. There is also something very strange in that log file: some messages that were written by the client side, not by the server at all. Only the first message in the snippet below is from a server: 2021-09-30 15:04:52 0 [Note] D:/winx64-debug/build/sql//Debug/mariadbd.exe: Shutdown complete   CURRENT_TEST: innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile $ D:/winx64-debug/build/sql//Debug/mariadbd.exe --defaults-group-suffix=.1 --defaults-file=D:/winx64-debug/build/mysql-test/var/2/my.cnf --log-output=file --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-lock-waits --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --innodb-page-size=32K --innodb-buffer-pool-size=24M --core-file --loose-debug-sync-timeout=300 innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb' w1 [ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file! Test ended at 2021-09-30 15:04:54 line 210930 15:04:49 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;   Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out   ^ Found warnings in D:/winx64-debug/build/mysql-test/var/1/log/mysqld.1.err That branch is only one commit ahead of 10.5 be803f037f98812410f24b67af61aa7857969dcf, and nothing in that commit should affect this. Can you repeat this failure when running the test innodb.undo_truncate on Windows for a few hundred or thousand times?

            My search did not find anything similar in main branches (10.x) since 2018-01-15:

            10.2 0292cd0a27418fabe4660fa6f2a92a09

            innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile '4k,innodb' w1 [ fail ]
                    Test ended at 2018-01-15 23:32:19
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb.innodb-alter-debug
            mysqltest: At line 22: query 'ALTER TABLE t1ć DROP FOREIGN KEY t1c2, RENAME TO ②' failed with wrong errno 2013: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query', instead of 1114...
            CURRENT_TEST: innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile
            Version: '10.2.13-MariaDB-debug-log'  socket: ''  port: 16100  Source distribution
            180115 23:31:48 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0xc0000005 ;

            The duplicate CURRENT_TEST line in the output looks strange, and the assertion is not exactly the same as the one that seems to have occurred on server shutdown.

            In MDEV-24142 (10.6), the assertion in rw_lock_free_func() was replaced with debug assertions in srw_lock::destroy() and sux_lock::free(), which are being called by buf_pool_t::close() on shutdown. But, those assertions never seem to fail.

            In 10.5, this assertion appears to fail in the test innodb.undo_truncate only, rather frequently.

            I have some evidence that on Windows, the standard output of the mtr test harness may be corrupted. I will assume that this failure occurred during the execution of the test innodb.undo_truncate.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - My search did not find anything similar in main branches (10.x) since 2018-01-15: 10.2 0292cd0a27418fabe4660fa6f2a92a09 innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile '4k,innodb' w1 [ fail ] Test ended at 2018-01-15 23:32:19   CURRENT_TEST: innodb.innodb-alter-debug mysqltest: At line 22: query 'ALTER TABLE t1ć DROP FOREIGN KEY t1c2, RENAME TO â‘¡' failed with wrong errno 2013: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query', instead of 1114... … CURRENT_TEST: innodb.innodb-alter-tempfile … Version: '10.2.13-MariaDB-debug-log' socket: '' port: 16100 Source distribution 180115 23:31:48 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0xc0000005 ; … mysqld.exe!pfs_rw_lock_x_lock_func()[sync0rw.ic:525] mysqld.exe!btr_cur_update_in_place()[btr0cur.cc:3718] The duplicate CURRENT_TEST line in the output looks strange, and the assertion is not exactly the same as the one that seems to have occurred on server shutdown. In MDEV-24142 (10.6), the assertion in rw_lock_free_func() was replaced with debug assertions in srw_lock::destroy() and sux_lock::free() , which are being called by buf_pool_t::close() on shutdown. But, those assertions never seem to fail. In 10.5, this assertion appears to fail in the test innodb.undo_truncate only, rather frequently. I have some evidence that on Windows, the standard output of the mtr test harness may be corrupted. I will assume that this failure occurred during the execution of the test innodb.undo_truncate .
            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - - edited

            Still fails

            10.5 53499cd1e

            #2  0x000055807bc98eef in handle_fatal_signal (sig=6) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/signal_handler.cc:360
                    curr_time = 1693306128
                    tm = {tm_sec = 48, tm_min = 48, tm_hour = 10, tm_mday = 29, tm_mon = 7, tm_year = 123, tm_wday = 2, tm_yday = 240, tm_isdst = 0, tm_gmtoff = 0, tm_zone = 0x7f663a007b1b "UTC"}
                    thd = 0x0
                    print_invalid_query_pointer = false
            #3  <signal handler called>
            No symbol table info available.
            #4  0x00007f6639ec4a7c in pthread_kill () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
            No symbol table info available.
            #5  0x00007f6639e70476 in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
            No symbol table info available.
            #6  0x00007f6639e567f3 in abort () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
            No symbol table info available.
            #7  0x000055807c368dd4 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=0x55807ca60c78 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR", file=0x55807ca60b50 "/home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc", line=254) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60
            No locals.
            #8  0x000055807c30cb10 in rw_lock_free_func (lock=0x55807eaaab78) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc:254
                    __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void rw_lock_free_func(rw_lock_t*)"
            #9  0x000055807c3de460 in pfs_rw_lock_free_func (lock=0x55807eaaab78) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/include/sync0rw.inl:611
            No locals.
            #10 0x000055807c3e109c in buf_block_free_mutexes (block=0x7f662e0d9c28) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1196
            No locals.
            #11 0x000055807c3e23e6 in buf_pool_t::close (this=0x55807d0b3340 <buf_pool>) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1363
                    i = 3157
                    block = 0x7f662e0d9c28
                    chunk = 0x55807e8d8028
                    __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void buf_pool_t::close()"
            #12 0x000055807c3043b5 in innodb_shutdown () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/srv/srv0start.cc:2098
                    __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void innodb_shutdown()"
            #13 0x000055807c0aaa07 in innobase_end () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4137
                    thd = 0x0
            #14 0x000055807bc9c568 in ha_finalize_handlerton (plugin=0x55807e6ff030) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/handler.cc:580
                    hton = 0x55807e7c98d8
                    __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "int ha_finalize_handlerton(st_plugin_int*)"
            #15 0x000055807b94f793 in plugin_deinitialize (plugin=0x55807e6ff030, ref_check=true) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1265
                    __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void plugin_deinitialize(st_plugin_int*, bool)"
            #16 0x000055807b94fc88 in reap_plugins () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1341
                    count = 68
                    plugin = 0x55807e6ff030
                    reap = 0x7ffc08cc0220
                    list = 0x7ffc08cc0140
                    __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void reap_plugins()"
            #17 0x000055807b9522b8 in plugin_shutdown () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/sql_plugin.cc:2093
                    i = 68
                    count = 68
                    plugins = 0x7ffc08cc0370
                    plugin = 0x55807e706aa0
                    dl = 0x7ffc08cc0380
            #18 0x000055807b7f16b5 in clean_up (print_message=true) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/mysqld.cc:1995
            No locals.
            #19 0x000055807b7f8db4 in mysqld_main (argc=169, argv=0x55807e5d5760) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/mysqld.cc:5733
                    please_close_stdin = true
                    ho_error = 0
                    new_thread_stack_size = 299008
                    user = 0x7f65fc22ae38 "\330\246\031\374e\177"
            #20 0x000055807b7edbad in main (argc=28, argv=0x7ffc08cc05d8) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/main.cc:25

            bb-10.5-release 8852afe31

            innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb'       w6 [ fail ]  Found warnings/errors in server log file!
                    Test ended at 2023-08-08 11:35:50
            230808 11:35:46 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;
            Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
            ^ Found warnings in D:/Buildbot/amd64-windows/build/mysql-test/var/6/log/mysqld.1.err
             - found 'mariadbd.dmp' (0/5)
            Trying 'cdb' to get a backtrace
            OS debug symbols will be downloaded and stored in C:\symbols.
            You can control the location of symbol cache with _NT_SYMBOL_PATH
            environment variable. Please refer to Microsoft KB article
            http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311503  for details about _NT_SYMBOL_PATH
            Output from cdb follows. Faulting thread is printed twice,with and without function parameters
            Search for STACK_TEXT to see the stack trace of 
            the faulting thread. Callstacks of other threads are printed after it.
            Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.685 AMD64
            Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
            Loading Dump File [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysql-test\var\6\log\innodb.undo_truncate-2,4k,innodb\mysqld.1\data\mariadbd.dmp]
            User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available
            Response                         Time (ms)     Location
            OK                                             .
            Response                         Time (ms)     Location
            OK                                             .
            Deferred                                       srv*C:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
            Symbol search path is: .;srv*C:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
            Executable search path is: .
            Windows 10 Version 17763 MP (64 procs) Free x64
            Product: Server, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
            Machine Name:
            Debug session time: Tue Aug  8 11:35:47.000 2023 (UTC + 2:00)
            System Uptime: not available
            Process Uptime: 0 days 0:00:43.000
            This dump file has a breakpoint exception stored in it.
            The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
            For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
            0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '!sym prompts off; !analyze -v; .ecxr; !for_each_frame dv /t;!uniqstack -p;q'
            quiet mode - symbol prompts off
            KEY_VALUES_STRING: 1
                Key  : Analysis.CPU.Sec
                Value: 0
                Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
                Value: Create: 8007007e on WIN-HI7PPJVFI2B
                Key  : Analysis.DebugData
                Value: CreateObject
                Key  : Analysis.DebugModel
                Value: CreateObject
                Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
                Value: 0
                Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
                Value: 198
                Key  : Analysis.System
                Value: CreateObject
                Key  : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
                Value: 43
            CONTEXT:  (.ecxr)
            rax=00007fff9b814100 rbx=0000000000000016 rcx=0000000000000016
            rdx=00007fffd42382f0 rsi=00007fff9b814100 rdi=00000098f69eef01
            rip=00007fff9b814105 rsp=00000098f69eeb10 rbp=00000098f69ef2b0
             r8=00000098f69ed518  r9=00000098f69eebc0 r10=0000000000000000
            r11=00000098f69eea40 r12=0000000000000910 r13=0000000000000000
            r14=0000000000000000 r15=00007fffd42db6f0
            iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
            cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000212
                         int     3
            Resetting default scope
            EXCEPTION_RECORD:  (.exr -1)
            ExceptionAddress: 00007fff9b814105 (server!my_sigabrt_handler)
               ExceptionCode: 80000003 (Break instruction exception)
              ExceptionFlags: 00000000
            NumberParameters: 1
               Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000
            WRONG_SYMBOLS_TIMESTAMP: 7dd1a0eb
            WRONG_SYMBOLS_SIZE: 1ee000
            FAULTING_MODULE: 00007fffd7400000 ntdll
            You can run '.symfix; .reload' to try to fix the symbol path and load symbols. ; Followup set based on attribute [Is_ChosenCrashFollowupThread] from Frame:[0] on thread:[PSEUDO_THREAD]
            STACK_COMMAND:  .ecxr ; kb ; ** Pseudo Context ** Pseudo ** Value: 1ede2220320 ** ; kb
            FAULTING_SOURCE_LINE:  D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c
            FAULTING_SOURCE_FILE:  D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c
               462: #if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
               463: static void my_sigabrt_handler(int sig)
               464: {
            >  465:   __debugbreak();
               466: }
               467: #endif /*_MSC_VER >=1400 */
               469: static void install_sigabrt_handler(void)
               470: {
            BUGCHECK_CODE:  7dd1a0eb
            PROCESS_NAME:  ntdll.wrong.symbols.dll
            IMAGE_NAME:  ntdll.wrong.symbols.dll
            MODULE_NAME: ntdll_wrong_symbols
            SYMBOL_NAME:  ntdll_wrong_symbols!7DD1A0EB1EE000
            FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  WRONG_SYMBOLS_X64_17763.1.amd64fre.rs5_release.180914-1434_TIMESTAMP_361121-142339_7DD1A0EB_ntdll.wrong.symbols.dll!7DD1A0EB1EE000
            OS_VERSION:  10.0.17763.1
            BUILDLAB_STR:  rs5_release
            OSPLATFORM_TYPE:  x64
            OSNAME:  Windows 10
            FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {7d129e52-0ab2-f1e4-4813-57f69169ff25}
            Followup:     MachineOwner
            rax=00007fff9b814100 rbx=0000000000000016 rcx=0000000000000016
            rdx=00007fffd42382f0 rsi=00007fff9b814100 rdi=00000098f69eef01
            rip=00007fff9b814105 rsp=00000098f69eeb10 rbp=00000098f69ef2b0
             r8=00000098f69ed518  r9=00000098f69eebc0 r10=0000000000000000
            r11=00000098f69eea40 r12=0000000000000910 r13=0000000000000000
            r14=0000000000000000 r15=00007fffd42db6f0
            iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc
            cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000212
                         int     3
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!my_sigabrt_handler [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c @ 465]
            int sig = 0n22
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318
            Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals.
            Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details.
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318
            Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals.
            Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details.
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!ut_dbg_assertion_failed [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\ut\ut0dbg.cc @ 61]
            char * expr = 0x00007fff`9d4bc588 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR"
            char * file = 0x00007fff`9d4bceb0 "D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc"
            unsigned int line = 0xfe
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc @ 254]
            struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x00000266`4d6a5368
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!pfs_rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\include\sync0rw.inl @ 612]
            struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x00000266`4d6a5368
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!buf_block_free_mutexes [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1197]
            struct buf_block_t * block = 0x00000266`4bf42660
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!buf_pool_t::close [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1363]
            unsigned int64 i = 0xb7a
            struct buf_block_t * block = 0x00000266`4bf42660
            struct buf_pool_t::chunk_t * chunk = 0x00000266`4718b3e8
            class buf_pool_t * this = 0x00007fff`9f1b6780
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!innodb_shutdown [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\srv\srv0start.cc @ 2099]
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!innobase_end [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\handler\ha_innodb.cc @ 4137]
            class THD * thd = 0x00000000`00000000
            struct handlerton * __formal = 0x00000266`49c49418
            ha_panic_function __formal = HA_PANIC_CLOSE (0n0)
            struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_ = struct _db_stack_frame_
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!ha_finalize_handlerton [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\handler.cc @ 582]
            struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`459aa430
            struct handlerton * hton = 0x00000266`49c49418
            struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_ = struct _db_stack_frame_
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!plugin_deinitialize [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\sql_plugin.cc @ 1265]
            struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`459aa430
            bool ref_check = true
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!reap_plugins [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\sql_plugin.cc @ 1341]
            struct st_plugin_int ** list = 0x00000098`f69ef110
            struct st_plugin_int ** reap = 0x00000098`f69ef1e8
            unsigned int count = 0x42
            struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`459aa430
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!plugin_shutdown [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\sql_plugin.cc @ 2094]
            unsigned int i = 0x42
            unsigned int count = 0x42
            struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_ = struct _db_stack_frame_
            struct st_plugin_int ** plugins = 0xcccccccc`cccccccc
            struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`49b2ec20
            struct st_plugin_dl ** dl = 0xcccccccc`cccccccc
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!clean_up [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 1996]
            bool print_message = true
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!win_main [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 5738]
            int argc = 0n168
            char ** argv = 0x00000266`459e1a60
            char * user = 0x00000266`4dce9ab8 "--- memory read error at address 0x00000266`4dce9ab8 ---"
            int ho_error = 0n0
            unsigned int64 new_thread_stack_size = 0x49000
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!mysql_service [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 5782]
            void * p = 0x00000000`00000000
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!mysqld_main [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 6000]
            int argc = 0n28
            char ** argv = 0x00000266`459b9940
            char [512] file_path = char [512] "D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\Debug\mariadbd.exe"
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            mariadbd!main [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\main.cc @ 26]
            int argc = 0n28
            char ** argv = 0x00000266`459b9940
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            (Inline Function) --------`-------- mariadbd!invoke_main [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 78]
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            mariadbd!__scrt_common_main_seh [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 288]
            bool has_cctor = false
            int main_result = <value unavailable>
            <function> ** tls_init_callback = <value unavailable>
            bool is_nested = <value unavailable>
            <function> ** tls_dtor_callback = <value unavailable>
            int main_result = <value unavailable>
            __scrt_native_startup_state __scrt_current_native_startup_state = <value unavailable>
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318
            Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals.
            Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details.
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318
            Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals.
            Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details.
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!my_sigabrt_handler [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c @ 465]
            Processing 8 threads, please wait
            .  0  Id: 1dec.4940 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a8b000 Unfrozen
                  Priority: 0  Priority class: 32
            .  1  Id: 1dec.5700 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a8d000 Unfrozen
                  Priority: 0  Priority class: 32
            .  3  Id: 1dec.3c10 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a93000 Unfrozen
                  Priority: 0  Priority class: 32
            server!pthread_cond_timedwait(struct _RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE * cond = 0x00007fff`9e774b20, struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION * mutex = 0x00007fff`9e774af0, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f6fffac8) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_wincond.c @ 82]
            server!inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(struct st_mysql_cond * that = 0x00007fff`9e774b20, struct st_mysql_mutex * mutex = 0x00007fff`9e774af0, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f6fffac8, char * src_file = 0x00007fff`9e40eb58 "--- memory read error at address 0x00007fff`9e40eb58 ---", unsigned int src_line = 0x141) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\include\mysql\psi\mysql_thread.h @ 1259]
            server!timer_handler(void * arg = 0x00000000`00000000) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\thr_timer.c @ 322]
            server!pfs_spawn_thread(void * arg = 0x00000266`49962578) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\perfschema\pfs.cc @ 2203]
            server!pthread_start(void * p = 0x00000266`459c6be0) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_winthread.c @ 61]
            .  4  Id: 1dec.6590 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a95000 Unfrozen
                  Priority: 0  Priority class: 32
            server!pthread_cond_timedwait(struct _RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE * cond = 0x00007fff`9f11abb0, struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION * mutex = 0x00007fff`9f11ab80, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f70ffc88) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_wincond.c @ 82]
            server!inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(struct st_mysql_cond * that = 0x00007fff`9f11abb0, struct st_mysql_mutex * mutex = 0x00007fff`9f11ab80, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f70ffc88, char * src_file = 0x00007fff`9e6c6650 "--- memory read error at address 0x00007fff`9e6c6650 ---", unsigned int src_line = 0x74) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\include\mysql\psi\mysql_thread.h @ 1259]
            server!my_service_thread_sleep(struct st_ma_service_thread_control * control = 0x00007fff`9e67f4c8, unsigned int64 sleep_time = 0x00000006`fc23ac00) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\maria\ma_servicethread.c @ 119]
            server!ma_checkpoint_background(void * arg = 0x00000000`0000001e) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\maria\ma_checkpoint.c @ 725]
            server!pfs_spawn_thread(void * arg = 0x00000266`49d32ba8) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\perfschema\pfs.cc @ 2203]
            server!pthread_start(void * p = 0x00000266`459c6b00) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_winthread.c @ 61]
            Total threads: 8
            Duplicate callstacks: 4 (windbg thread #s follow):
            2, 5, 6, 7

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - - edited Still fails https://buildbot.mariadb.org/#/builders/534/builds/8970/steps/7/logs/stdio 10.5 53499cd1e #2 0x000055807bc98eef in handle_fatal_signal (sig=6) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/signal_handler.cc:360 curr_time = 1693306128 tm = {tm_sec = 48, tm_min = 48, tm_hour = 10, tm_mday = 29, tm_mon = 7, tm_year = 123, tm_wday = 2, tm_yday = 240, tm_isdst = 0, tm_gmtoff = 0, tm_zone = 0x7f663a007b1b "UTC"} thd = 0x0 print_invalid_query_pointer = false #3 <signal handler called> No symbol table info available. #4 0x00007f6639ec4a7c in pthread_kill () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f6639e70476 in raise () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #6 0x00007f6639e567f3 in abort () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #7 0x000055807c368dd4 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=0x55807ca60c78 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR", file=0x55807ca60b50 "/home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc", line=254) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60 No locals. #8 0x000055807c30cb10 in rw_lock_free_func (lock=0x55807eaaab78) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc:254 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void rw_lock_free_func(rw_lock_t*)" #9 0x000055807c3de460 in pfs_rw_lock_free_func (lock=0x55807eaaab78) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/include/sync0rw.inl:611 No locals. #10 0x000055807c3e109c in buf_block_free_mutexes (block=0x7f662e0d9c28) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1196 No locals. #11 0x000055807c3e23e6 in buf_pool_t::close (this=0x55807d0b3340 <buf_pool>) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1363 i = 3157 block = 0x7f662e0d9c28 chunk = 0x55807e8d8028 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void buf_pool_t::close()" #12 0x000055807c3043b5 in innodb_shutdown () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/srv/srv0start.cc:2098 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void innodb_shutdown()" #13 0x000055807c0aaa07 in innobase_end () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4137 thd = 0x0 #14 0x000055807bc9c568 in ha_finalize_handlerton (plugin=0x55807e6ff030) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/handler.cc:580 hton = 0x55807e7c98d8 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "int ha_finalize_handlerton(st_plugin_int*)" #15 0x000055807b94f793 in plugin_deinitialize (plugin=0x55807e6ff030, ref_check=true) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1265 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void plugin_deinitialize(st_plugin_int*, bool)" #16 0x000055807b94fc88 in reap_plugins () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1341 count = 68 plugin = 0x55807e6ff030 reap = 0x7ffc08cc0220 list = 0x7ffc08cc0140 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void reap_plugins()" #17 0x000055807b9522b8 in plugin_shutdown () at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/sql_plugin.cc:2093 i = 68 count = 68 plugins = 0x7ffc08cc0370 plugin = 0x55807e706aa0 dl = 0x7ffc08cc0380 #18 0x000055807b7f16b5 in clean_up (print_message=true) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/mysqld.cc:1995 No locals. #19 0x000055807b7f8db4 in mysqld_main (argc=169, argv=0x55807e5d5760) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/mysqld.cc:5733 please_close_stdin = true ho_error = 0 new_thread_stack_size = 299008 user = 0x7f65fc22ae38 "\330\246\031\374e\177" #20 0x000055807b7edbad in main (argc=28, argv=0x7ffc08cc05d8) at /home/buildbot/amd64-ubuntu-2204-debug-ps/build/sql/main.cc:25 bb-10.5-release 8852afe31 innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb' w6 [ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file! Test ended at 2023-08-08 11:35:50 line 230808 11:35:46 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ; Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out ^ Found warnings in D:/Buildbot/amd64-windows/build/mysql-test/var/6/log/mysqld.1.err ok - found 'mariadbd.dmp' (0/5) Trying 'cdb' to get a backtrace OS debug symbols will be downloaded and stored in C:\symbols. You can control the location of symbol cache with _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. Please refer to Microsoft KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311503 for details about _NT_SYMBOL_PATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output from cdb follows. Faulting thread is printed twice,with and without function parameters Search for STACK_TEXT to see the stack trace of the faulting thread. Callstacks of other threads are printed after it. Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.685 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Loading Dump File [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysql-test\var\6\log\innodb.undo_truncate-2,4k,innodb\mysqld.1\data\mariadbd.dmp] User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available Response Time (ms) Location OK . Response Time (ms) Location OK . Deferred srv*C:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Symbol search path is: .;srv*C:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Executable search path is: . Windows 10 Version 17763 MP (64 procs) Free x64 Product: Server, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS 17763.1.amd64fre.rs5_release.180914-1434 Machine Name: Debug session time: Tue Aug 8 11:35:47.000 2023 (UTC + 2:00) System Uptime: not available Process Uptime: 0 days 0:00:43.000 ............................. This dump file has a breakpoint exception stored in it. The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr. For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v ntdll!NtGetContextThread: ret 0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '!sym prompts off; !analyze -v; .ecxr; !for_each_frame dv /t;!uniqstack -p;q' quiet mode - symbol prompts off KEY_VALUES_STRING: 1 Key : Analysis.CPU.Sec Value: 0 Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP Value: Create: 8007007e on WIN-HI7PPJVFI2B Key : Analysis.DebugData Value: CreateObject Key : Analysis.DebugModel Value: CreateObject Key : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec Value: 0 Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb Value: 198 Key : Analysis.System Value: CreateObject Key : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec Value: 43 CONTEXT: (.ecxr) rax=00007fff9b814100 rbx=0000000000000016 rcx=0000000000000016 rdx=00007fffd42382f0 rsi=00007fff9b814100 rdi=00000098f69eef01 rip=00007fff9b814105 rsp=00000098f69eeb10 rbp=00000098f69ef2b0 r8=00000098f69ed518 r9=00000098f69eebc0 r10=0000000000000000 r11=00000098f69eea40 r12=0000000000000910 r13=0000000000000000 r14=0000000000000000 r15=00007fffd42db6f0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000212 server!my_sigabrt_handler: int 3 Resetting default scope EXCEPTION_RECORD: (.exr -1) ExceptionAddress: 00007fff9b814105 (server!my_sigabrt_handler) ExceptionCode: 80000003 (Break instruction exception) ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 1 Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000 WRONG_SYMBOLS_TIMESTAMP: 7dd1a0eb WRONG_SYMBOLS_SIZE: 1ee000 FAULTING_MODULE: 00007fffd7400000 ntdll ADDITIONAL_DEBUG_TEXT: You can run '.symfix; .reload' to try to fix the symbol path and load symbols. ; Followup set based on attribute [Is_ChosenCrashFollowupThread] from Frame:[0] on thread:[PSEUDO_THREAD] STACK_TEXT: server!my_sigabrt_handler ucrtbase!raise ucrtbase!abort server!ut_dbg_assertion_failed server!rw_lock_free_func server!pfs_rw_lock_free_func server!buf_block_free_mutexes server!buf_pool_t::close server!innodb_shutdown server!innobase_end server!ha_finalize_handlerton server!plugin_deinitialize server!reap_plugins server!plugin_shutdown server!clean_up server!win_main server!mysql_service server!mysqld_main mariadbd!main mariadbd!__scrt_common_main_seh kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart STACK_COMMAND: .ecxr ; kb ; ** Pseudo Context ** Pseudo ** Value: 1ede2220320 ** ; kb FAULTING_SOURCE_LINE: D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c FAULTING_SOURCE_FILE: D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c FAULTING_SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER: 465 FAULTING_SOURCE_CODE: 461: 462: #if (_MSC_VER >= 1400) 463: static void my_sigabrt_handler(int sig) 464: { > 465: __debugbreak(); 466: } 467: #endif /*_MSC_VER >=1400 */ 468: 469: static void install_sigabrt_handler(void) 470: { BUGCHECK_CODE: 7dd1a0eb EXCEPTION_CODE_STR: 7DD1A0EB EXCEPTION_STR: WRONG_SYMBOLS PROCESS_NAME: ntdll.wrong.symbols.dll IMAGE_NAME: ntdll.wrong.symbols.dll MODULE_NAME: ntdll_wrong_symbols SYMBOL_NAME: ntdll_wrong_symbols!7DD1A0EB1EE000 FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: WRONG_SYMBOLS_X64_17763.1.amd64fre.rs5_release.180914-1434_TIMESTAMP_361121-142339_7DD1A0EB_ntdll.wrong.symbols.dll!7DD1A0EB1EE000 OS_VERSION: 10.0.17763.1 BUILDLAB_STR: rs5_release OSPLATFORM_TYPE: x64 OSNAME: Windows 10 FAILURE_ID_HASH: {7d129e52-0ab2-f1e4-4813-57f69169ff25} Followup: MachineOwner --------- rax=00007fff9b814100 rbx=0000000000000016 rcx=0000000000000016 rdx=00007fffd42382f0 rsi=00007fff9b814100 rdi=00000098f69eef01 rip=00007fff9b814105 rsp=00000098f69eeb10 rbp=00000098f69ef2b0 r8=00000098f69ed518 r9=00000098f69eebc0 r10=0000000000000000 r11=00000098f69eea40 r12=0000000000000910 r13=0000000000000000 r14=0000000000000000 r15=00007fffd42db6f0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000212 server!my_sigabrt_handler: int 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!my_sigabrt_handler [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c @ 465] int sig = 0n22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ucrtbase!raise Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318 Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals. Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ucrtbase!abort Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318 Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals. Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!ut_dbg_assertion_failed [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\ut\ut0dbg.cc @ 61] char * expr = 0x00007fff`9d4bc588 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR" char * file = 0x00007fff`9d4bceb0 "D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc" unsigned int line = 0xfe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc @ 254] struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x00000266`4d6a5368 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!pfs_rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\include\sync0rw.inl @ 612] struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x00000266`4d6a5368 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!buf_block_free_mutexes [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1197] struct buf_block_t * block = 0x00000266`4bf42660 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!buf_pool_t::close [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1363] unsigned int64 i = 0xb7a struct buf_block_t * block = 0x00000266`4bf42660 struct buf_pool_t::chunk_t * chunk = 0x00000266`4718b3e8 class buf_pool_t * this = 0x00007fff`9f1b6780 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!innodb_shutdown [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\srv\srv0start.cc @ 2099] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!innobase_end [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\handler\ha_innodb.cc @ 4137] class THD * thd = 0x00000000`00000000 struct handlerton * __formal = 0x00000266`49c49418 ha_panic_function __formal = HA_PANIC_CLOSE (0n0) struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_ = struct _db_stack_frame_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!ha_finalize_handlerton [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\handler.cc @ 582] struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`459aa430 struct handlerton * hton = 0x00000266`49c49418 struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_ = struct _db_stack_frame_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!plugin_deinitialize [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\sql_plugin.cc @ 1265] struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`459aa430 bool ref_check = true _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!reap_plugins [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\sql_plugin.cc @ 1341] struct st_plugin_int ** list = 0x00000098`f69ef110 struct st_plugin_int ** reap = 0x00000098`f69ef1e8 unsigned int count = 0x42 struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`459aa430 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!plugin_shutdown [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\sql_plugin.cc @ 2094] unsigned int i = 0x42 unsigned int count = 0x42 struct _db_stack_frame_ _db_stack_frame_ = struct _db_stack_frame_ struct st_plugin_int ** plugins = 0xcccccccc`cccccccc struct st_plugin_int * plugin = 0x00000266`49b2ec20 struct st_plugin_dl ** dl = 0xcccccccc`cccccccc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!clean_up [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 1996] bool print_message = true _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!win_main [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 5738] int argc = 0n168 char ** argv = 0x00000266`459e1a60 char * user = 0x00000266`4dce9ab8 "--- memory read error at address 0x00000266`4dce9ab8 ---" int ho_error = 0n0 unsigned int64 new_thread_stack_size = 0x49000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!mysql_service [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 5782] void * p = 0x00000000`00000000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!mysqld_main [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\mysqld.cc @ 6000] int argc = 0n28 char ** argv = 0x00000266`459b9940 char [512] file_path = char [512] "D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\Debug\mariadbd.exe" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mariadbd!main [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\sql\main.cc @ 26] int argc = 0n28 char ** argv = 0x00000266`459b9940 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Inline Function) --------`-------- mariadbd!invoke_main [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 78] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mariadbd!__scrt_common_main_seh [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 288] bool has_cctor = false int main_result = <value unavailable> <function> ** tls_init_callback = <value unavailable> bool is_nested = <value unavailable> <function> ** tls_dtor_callback = <value unavailable> int main_result = <value unavailable> __scrt_native_startup_state __scrt_current_native_startup_state = <value unavailable> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318 Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals. Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart Unable to enumerate locals, Win32 error 0n318 Private symbols (symbols.pri) are required for locals. Type ".hh dbgerr005" for details. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!my_sigabrt_handler [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_thr_init.c @ 465] Processing 8 threads, please wait . 0 Id: 1dec.4940 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a8b000 Unfrozen Priority: 0 Priority class: 32 ntdll!NtGetContextThread 0xffffffff`00000000 . 1 Id: 1dec.5700 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a8d000 Unfrozen Priority: 0 Priority class: 32 ntdll!NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory ntdll!RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart . 3 Id: 1dec.3c10 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a93000 Unfrozen Priority: 0 Priority class: 32 ntdll!ZwWaitForAlertByThreadId ntdll!RtlSleepConditionVariableCS KERNELBASE!SleepConditionVariableCS server!pthread_cond_timedwait(struct _RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE * cond = 0x00007fff`9e774b20, struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION * mutex = 0x00007fff`9e774af0, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f6fffac8) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_wincond.c @ 82] server!inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(struct st_mysql_cond * that = 0x00007fff`9e774b20, struct st_mysql_mutex * mutex = 0x00007fff`9e774af0, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f6fffac8, char * src_file = 0x00007fff`9e40eb58 "--- memory read error at address 0x00007fff`9e40eb58 ---", unsigned int src_line = 0x141) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\include\mysql\psi\mysql_thread.h @ 1259] server!timer_handler(void * arg = 0x00000000`00000000) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\thr_timer.c @ 322] server!pfs_spawn_thread(void * arg = 0x00000266`49962578) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\perfschema\pfs.cc @ 2203] server!pthread_start(void * p = 0x00000266`459c6be0) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_winthread.c @ 61] ucrtbase!o_exp kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart . 4 Id: 1dec.6590 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00000098`f6a95000 Unfrozen Priority: 0 Priority class: 32 ntdll!ZwWaitForAlertByThreadId ntdll!RtlSleepConditionVariableCS KERNELBASE!SleepConditionVariableCS server!pthread_cond_timedwait(struct _RTL_CONDITION_VARIABLE * cond = 0x00007fff`9f11abb0, struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION * mutex = 0x00007fff`9f11ab80, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f70ffc88) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_wincond.c @ 82] server!inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(struct st_mysql_cond * that = 0x00007fff`9f11abb0, struct st_mysql_mutex * mutex = 0x00007fff`9f11ab80, struct timespec * abstime = 0x00000098`f70ffc88, char * src_file = 0x00007fff`9e6c6650 "--- memory read error at address 0x00007fff`9e6c6650 ---", unsigned int src_line = 0x74) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\include\mysql\psi\mysql_thread.h @ 1259] server!my_service_thread_sleep(struct st_ma_service_thread_control * control = 0x00007fff`9e67f4c8, unsigned int64 sleep_time = 0x00000006`fc23ac00) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\maria\ma_servicethread.c @ 119] server!ma_checkpoint_background(void * arg = 0x00000000`0000001e) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\maria\ma_checkpoint.c @ 725] server!pfs_spawn_thread(void * arg = 0x00000266`49d32ba8) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\perfschema\pfs.cc @ 2203] server!pthread_start(void * p = 0x00000266`459c6b00) [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\mysys\my_winthread.c @ 61] ucrtbase!o_exp kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart Total threads: 8 Duplicate callstacks: 4 (windbg thread #s follow): 2, 5, 6, 7

            Still fails:

            10.5 ee773753778e741c1aff1449fcd41b775701a4db

            innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb'       w24 [ fail ]  Found warnings/errors in server log file!
                    Test ended at 2023-10-30 18:50:15
            231030 18:50:12 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!ut_dbg_assertion_failed [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\ut\ut0dbg.cc @ 61]
            char * expr = 0x00007fff`81f17ef8 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR"
            char * file = 0x00007fff`81f18820 "D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc"
            unsigned int line = 0xfe
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc @ 254]
            struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x000002d8`bdf01658
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!pfs_rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\include\sync0rw.inl @ 612]
            struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x000002d8`bdf01658
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!buf_block_free_mutexes [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1197]
            struct buf_block_t * block = 0x000002d8`bc7909a0
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!buf_pool_t::close [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1363]
            unsigned int64 i = 0xb8e
            struct buf_block_t * block = 0x000002d8`bc7909a0
            struct buf_pool_t::chunk_t * chunk = 0x000002d8`b79bb388
            class buf_pool_t * this = 0x00007fff`83c0bc40
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            server!innodb_shutdown [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\srv\srv0start.cc @ 2108]

            I do not see stack traces of other threads that would execute inside InnoDB. I think that to analyze this, we would need a larger dump that includes a copy of the buffer pool, so that we would have some more clues on what might have failed to release the page latch.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Still fails : 10.5 ee773753778e741c1aff1449fcd41b775701a4db innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb' w24 [ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file! Test ended at 2023-10-30 18:50:15 line 231030 18:50:12 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ; … _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!ut_dbg_assertion_failed [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\ut\ut0dbg.cc @ 61] char * expr = 0x00007fff`81f17ef8 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR" char * file = 0x00007fff`81f18820 "D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc" unsigned int line = 0xfe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\sync\sync0rw.cc @ 254] struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x000002d8`bdf01658 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!pfs_rw_lock_free_func [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\include\sync0rw.inl @ 612] struct rw_lock_t * lock = 0x000002d8`bdf01658 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!buf_block_free_mutexes [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1197] struct buf_block_t * block = 0x000002d8`bc7909a0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!buf_pool_t::close [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\buf\buf0buf.cc @ 1363] unsigned int64 i = 0xb8e struct buf_block_t * block = 0x000002d8`bc7909a0 struct buf_pool_t::chunk_t * chunk = 0x000002d8`b79bb388 class buf_pool_t * this = 0x00007fff`83c0bc40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ server!innodb_shutdown [D:\Buildbot\amd64-windows\build\storage\innobase\srv\srv0start.cc @ 2108] I do not see stack traces of other threads that would execute inside InnoDB. I think that to analyze this, we would need a larger dump that includes a copy of the buffer pool, so that we would have some more clues on what might have failed to release the page latch.

            Another debug run catches a forgotten page latch release:

            10.5 fbd11d5f299a1e399ee5b46f141d6f56db0f7f58

            innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb'       w3 [ fail ]  Found warnings/errors in server log file!
                    Test ended at 2023-10-13 01:08:30
            Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
            ^ Found warnings in /dev/shm/var/3/log/mysqld.1.err
             - found 'core.515' (0/0)
            Core generated by '/usr/sbin/mariadbd'
            Output from gdb follows. The first stack trace is from the failing thread.
            The following stack traces are from all threads (so the failing one is
            [New LWP 515]
            [New LWP 518]
            [New LWP 519]
            [New LWP 542]
            [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
            Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".
            Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/mariadbd --defaults-group-suffix=.1 --defaults-file=/dev/shm/var/3/my'.
            Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
            #0  0x00007f2fe284a9b1 in pthread_kill () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f2fe40b7700 (LWP 542)):
            #0  0x00007f2fe1ca33fa in sigwaitinfo () from /lib64/libc.so.6
            #1  0x00005621331cdc42 in my_sigwait (code=<synthetic pointer>, sig=0x7f2fe40b6a48, set=0x7f2fe40b6a50) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/include/my_pthread.h:196
            #2  signal_hand (arg=arg@entry=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/mysqld.cc:2999
            #3  0x0000562133774ad0 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x562139eacf88) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2201
            #4  0x00007f2fe2845e25 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            #5  0x00007f2fe1d6534d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
            Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f2fde9a7700 (LWP 519)):
            #0  0x00007f2fe2849cf2 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            #1  0x0000562133c2fb6d in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=cond@entry=0x5621350eeea0 <COND_checkpoint>, mp=mp@entry=0x5621350eeee0 <LOCK_checkpoint>, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7f2fde9a6ab0, file=file@entry=0x562133ce6cb8 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=line@entry=1259) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/thr_mutex.c:546
            #2  0x00005621337099b7 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (src_line=116, src_file=0x562133eff188 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c", abstime=0x7f2fde9a6ab0, mutex=0x5621350eeee0 <LOCK_checkpoint>, that=0x5621350eeea0 <COND_checkpoint>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1259
            #3  my_service_thread_sleep (control=control@entry=0x56213481bba0 <checkpoint_control>, sleep_time=sleep_time@entry=30000000000) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c:115
            #4  0x0000562133701f16 in ma_checkpoint_background (arg=arg@entry=0x1e) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/maria/ma_checkpoint.c:725
            #5  0x0000562133774ad0 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x562135f17c08) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2201
            #6  0x00007f2fe2845e25 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            #7  0x00007f2fe1d6534d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
            Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f2fe41eb700 (LWP 518)):
            #0  0x00007f2fe2849cf2 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            #1  0x0000562133c2fb6d in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=cond@entry=0x562135197c80 <COND_timer>, mp=mp@entry=0x562135197cc0 <LOCK_timer>, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7f2fe41eab20, file=file@entry=0x562133ce6cb8 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=line@entry=1259) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/thr_mutex.c:546
            #2  0x0000562133c301bd in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (src_line=321, src_file=0x562134060e70 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/mysys/thr_timer.c", abstime=0x7f2fe41eab20, mutex=0x562135197cc0 <LOCK_timer>, that=0x562135197c80 <COND_timer>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1259
            #3  timer_handler (arg=arg@entry=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/thr_timer.c:321
            #4  0x0000562133774ad0 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x562135f16d08) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2201
            #5  0x00007f2fe2845e25 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            #6  0x00007f2fe1d6534d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
            Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f2fe41eea80 (LWP 515)):
            #0  0x00007f2fe284a9b1 in pthread_kill () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
            #1  0x0000562133c2ad64 in my_write_core (sig=6) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/stacktrace.c:424
            #2  0x000056213350cb6e in handle_fatal_signal (sig=6) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/signal_handler.cc:360
            #3  <signal handler called>
            #4  0x00007f2fe1ca21f7 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
            #5  0x00007f2fe1ca38e8 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
            #6  0x0000562133a35264 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=expr@entry=0x562133fe3820 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR", file=file@entry=0x562133fe3758 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc", line=line@entry=254) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60
            #7  0x00005621339eaa2d in rw_lock_free_func (lock=lock@entry=0x56213ac6a318) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc:254
            #8  0x0000562133a997b0 in pfs_rw_lock_free_func (lock=0x56213ac6a318) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/include/sync0rw.inl:611
            #9  buf_block_free_mutexes (block=block@entry=0x7f2fdc2e4138) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1196
            #10 0x0000562133aa677f in buf_pool_t::close (this=0x56213482b240 <buf_pool>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1363
            #11 0x00005621339de454 in innodb_shutdown () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/srv/srv0start.cc:2104
            #12 0x000056213380d3c4 in innobase_end () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4137
            #13 0x0000562133510571 in ha_finalize_handlerton (plugin=0x56213a1ac0b0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/handler.cc:580
            #14 0x00005621332bd81b in plugin_deinitialize (plugin=0x56213a1ac0b0, ref_check=ref_check@entry=true) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1265
            #15 0x00005621332bdef8 in reap_plugins () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1341
            #16 0x00005621332c0486 in plugin_shutdown () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/sql_plugin.cc:2093
            #17 0x00005621331cd16f in clean_up (print_message=print_message@entry=true) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/mysqld.cc:1995
            #18 0x00005621331d81cd in mysqld_main (argc=169, argv=0x562135f22ee0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/mysqld.cc:5735
            #19 0x00005621331cae2e in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/main.cc:25

            In MDEV-33009, axel has reproduced hangs with innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON on 10.5 that can be explained by the fact that something forgets to release a page latch.

            I see 3 ways to deal with this:

            1. Upgrade to 10.6 or later.
            2. Port MDEV-24142 to 10.5. (High risk and effort; why not just upgrade to 10.6?)
            3. Produce an rr replay trace of the failure (extremely unlikely to succeed) so that it can be analyzed.
            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Another debug run catches a forgotten page latch release : 10.5 fbd11d5f299a1e399ee5b46f141d6f56db0f7f58 innodb.undo_truncate '2,4k,innodb' w3 [ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file! Test ended at 2023-10-13 01:08:30 line Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out ^ Found warnings in /dev/shm/var/3/log/mysqld.1.err ok   - found 'core.515' (0/0) Core generated by '/usr/sbin/mariadbd' Output from gdb follows. The first stack trace is from the failing thread. The following stack traces are from all threads (so the failing one is duplicated). -------------------------- [New LWP 515] [New LWP 518] [New LWP 519] [New LWP 542] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1". Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/mariadbd --defaults-group-suffix=.1 --defaults-file=/dev/shm/var/3/my'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00007f2fe284a9b1 in pthread_kill () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0   Thread 4 (Thread 0x7f2fe40b7700 (LWP 542)): #0 0x00007f2fe1ca33fa in sigwaitinfo () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #1 0x00005621331cdc42 in my_sigwait (code=<synthetic pointer>, sig=0x7f2fe40b6a48, set=0x7f2fe40b6a50) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/include/my_pthread.h:196 #2 signal_hand (arg=arg@entry=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/mysqld.cc:2999 #3 0x0000562133774ad0 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x562139eacf88) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2201 #4 0x00007f2fe2845e25 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #5 0x00007f2fe1d6534d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6   Thread 3 (Thread 0x7f2fde9a7700 (LWP 519)): #0 0x00007f2fe2849cf2 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x0000562133c2fb6d in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=cond@entry=0x5621350eeea0 <COND_checkpoint>, mp=mp@entry=0x5621350eeee0 <LOCK_checkpoint>, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7f2fde9a6ab0, file=file@entry=0x562133ce6cb8 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=line@entry=1259) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/thr_mutex.c:546 #2 0x00005621337099b7 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (src_line=116, src_file=0x562133eff188 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c", abstime=0x7f2fde9a6ab0, mutex=0x5621350eeee0 <LOCK_checkpoint>, that=0x5621350eeea0 <COND_checkpoint>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1259 #3 my_service_thread_sleep (control=control@entry=0x56213481bba0 <checkpoint_control>, sleep_time=sleep_time@entry=30000000000) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c:115 #4 0x0000562133701f16 in ma_checkpoint_background (arg=arg@entry=0x1e) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/maria/ma_checkpoint.c:725 #5 0x0000562133774ad0 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x562135f17c08) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2201 #6 0x00007f2fe2845e25 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #7 0x00007f2fe1d6534d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6   Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f2fe41eb700 (LWP 518)): #0 0x00007f2fe2849cf2 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x0000562133c2fb6d in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=cond@entry=0x562135197c80 <COND_timer>, mp=mp@entry=0x562135197cc0 <LOCK_timer>, abstime=abstime@entry=0x7f2fe41eab20, file=file@entry=0x562133ce6cb8 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=line@entry=1259) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/thr_mutex.c:546 #2 0x0000562133c301bd in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (src_line=321, src_file=0x562134060e70 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/mysys/thr_timer.c", abstime=0x7f2fe41eab20, mutex=0x562135197cc0 <LOCK_timer>, that=0x562135197c80 <COND_timer>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1259 #3 timer_handler (arg=arg@entry=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/thr_timer.c:321 #4 0x0000562133774ad0 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x562135f16d08) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2201 #5 0x00007f2fe2845e25 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #6 0x00007f2fe1d6534d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6   Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f2fe41eea80 (LWP 515)): #0 0x00007f2fe284a9b1 in pthread_kill () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x0000562133c2ad64 in my_write_core (sig=6) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/mysys/stacktrace.c:424 #2 0x000056213350cb6e in handle_fatal_signal (sig=6) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/signal_handler.cc:360 #3 <signal handler called> #4 0x00007f2fe1ca21f7 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #5 0x00007f2fe1ca38e8 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #6 0x0000562133a35264 in ut_dbg_assertion_failed (expr=expr@entry=0x562133fe3820 "lock->lock_word == X_LOCK_DECR", file=file@entry=0x562133fe3758 "/home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.5.23/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc", line=line@entry=254) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/ut/ut0dbg.cc:60 #7 0x00005621339eaa2d in rw_lock_free_func (lock=lock@entry=0x56213ac6a318) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/sync/sync0rw.cc:254 #8 0x0000562133a997b0 in pfs_rw_lock_free_func (lock=0x56213ac6a318) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/include/sync0rw.inl:611 #9 buf_block_free_mutexes (block=block@entry=0x7f2fdc2e4138) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1196 #10 0x0000562133aa677f in buf_pool_t::close (this=0x56213482b240 <buf_pool>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1363 #11 0x00005621339de454 in innodb_shutdown () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/srv/srv0start.cc:2104 #12 0x000056213380d3c4 in innobase_end () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4137 #13 0x0000562133510571 in ha_finalize_handlerton (plugin=0x56213a1ac0b0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/handler.cc:580 #14 0x00005621332bd81b in plugin_deinitialize (plugin=0x56213a1ac0b0, ref_check=ref_check@entry=true) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1265 #15 0x00005621332bdef8 in reap_plugins () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/sql_plugin.cc:1341 #16 0x00005621332c0486 in plugin_shutdown () at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/sql_plugin.cc:2093 #17 0x00005621331cd16f in clean_up (print_message=print_message@entry=true) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/mysqld.cc:1995 #18 0x00005621331d81cd in mysqld_main (argc=169, argv=0x562135f22ee0) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/mysqld.cc:5735 #19 0x00005621331cae2e in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/MariaDB-/src_0/sql/main.cc:25 In MDEV-33009 , axel has reproduced hangs with innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON on 10.5 that can be explained by the fact that something forgets to release a page latch. I see 3 ways to deal with this: Upgrade to 10.6 or later. Port MDEV-24142 to 10.5. (High risk and effort; why not just upgrade to 10.6?) Produce an rr replay trace of the failure (extremely unlikely to succeed) so that it can be analyzed.

            The same suspected root cause:

            10.5 eadf0f63a284ba4392089d9271eadf1ce2f62f04 on x86-kvm-centos-6-bintar in the old bb

            encryption.innodb-remove-encryption      w1 [ fail ]
                    Test ended at 2024-08-21 18:34:19
            CURRENT_TEST: encryption.innodb-remove-encryption
            --- /usr/local/mariadb-10.5.27-linux-i686/mysql-test/suite/encryption/r/innodb-remove-encryption.result	2024-08-21 18:02:44.000000000 +0300
            +++ /dev/shm/var/1/log/innodb-remove-encryption.reject	2024-08-21 18:34:18.942684358 +0300
            @@ -8,25 +8,23 @@
             # Restart server with encryption
             # restart: --plugin-load-add=file_key_management --loose-file-key-management --loose-file-key-management-filename=MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/keys.txt --file-key-management-encryption-algorithm=aes_cbc --innodb-encrypt-tables=ON --innodb-encryption-threads=4 --innodb-tablespaces-encryption --innodb-encryption-rotate-key-age=15
             # Wait until encryption threads have encrypted all tablespaces
            +Id	User	Host	db	Command	Time	State	Info	Progress
            +3	root	localhost	test	Query	0	starting	show full processlist	0.000
             # Success!
             SELECT * from t1;
             a	b
             # Now turn off encryption and wait for threads to decrypt all tablespaces
             SET GLOBAL innodb_encrypt_tables = off;
            +Id	User	Host	db	Command	Time	State	Info	Progress
            +3	root	localhost	test	Query	0	starting	show full processlist	0.000
             # Success!
            @@ -35,10 +33,6 @@
             # restart: --skip-file-key-management --innodb-encrypt-tables=OFF --innodb-encryption-threads=0 --innodb-tablespaces-encryption
             SELECT * from t1;
            Result length mismatch

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - The same suspected root cause: 10.5 eadf0f63a284ba4392089d9271eadf1ce2f62f04 on x86-kvm-centos-6-bintar in the old bb encryption.innodb-remove-encryption w1 [ fail ] Test ended at 2024-08-21 18:34:19   CURRENT_TEST: encryption.innodb-remove-encryption --- /usr/local/mariadb-10.5.27-linux-i686/mysql-test/suite/encryption/r/innodb-remove-encryption.result 2024-08-21 18:02:44.000000000 +0300 +++ /dev/shm/var/1/log/innodb-remove-encryption.reject 2024-08-21 18:34:18.942684358 +0300 @@ -8,25 +8,23 @@ # Restart server with encryption # restart: --plugin-load-add=file_key_management --loose-file-key-management --loose-file-key-management-filename=MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/keys.txt --file-key-management-encryption-algorithm=aes_cbc --innodb-encrypt-tables=ON --innodb-encryption-threads=4 --innodb-tablespaces-encryption --innodb-encryption-rotate-key-age=15 # Wait until encryption threads have encrypted all tablespaces +Timeout in wait_condition.inc for SELECT COUNT(*) = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION <> 0 AND ROTATING_OR_FLUSHING = 0; +Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress +3 root localhost test Query 0 starting show full processlist 0.000 SELECT NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION = 0; NAME SELECT NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION <> 0; NAME -innodb_system -mysql/innodb_index_stats -mysql/innodb_table_stats -mysql/transaction_registry # Success! SELECT * from t1; a b # Now turn off encryption and wait for threads to decrypt all tablespaces SET GLOBAL innodb_encrypt_tables = off; +Timeout in wait_condition.inc for SELECT COUNT(*) = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION = 0 AND ROTATING_OR_FLUSHING = 0; +Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress +3 root localhost test Query 0 starting show full processlist 0.000 SELECT NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION = 0; NAME -innodb_system -mysql/innodb_index_stats -mysql/innodb_table_stats -mysql/transaction_registry SELECT NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION <> 0; NAME # Success! @@ -35,10 +33,6 @@ # restart: --skip-file-key-management --innodb-encrypt-tables=OFF --innodb-encryption-threads=0 --innodb-tablespaces-encryption SELECT NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION = 0; NAME -innodb_system -mysql/innodb_index_stats -mysql/innodb_table_stats -mysql/transaction_registry SELECT NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION WHERE MIN_KEY_VERSION <> 0; NAME SELECT * from t1;   Result length mismatch


              marko Marko Mäkelä
              wlad Vladislav Vaintroub
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue



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