Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.5.10, 10.3(EOL), 10.4(EOL), 10.5
One of the unittests in Moodle LMS started failing on MariaDB since testing docker image was upgraded to version 10.5.10.
The same unittest and the same query was passing on MariaDB 10.5.9. Also it passes on MySQL, Postgres, MsSQL and Oracle (all databases supported by Moodle).
I have created an SQL file to demonstrate the problem. It creates two database tables, fills them with the data and performs a query:
SELECT, gi.itemtype, gi.itemmodule, h.userid, h.rawgrade
FROM grade_grades_history h
JOIN (SELECT itemid, MAX(id) AS id
FROM grade_grades_history
WHERE userid = 131000
GROUP BY itemid) maxquery ON = AND h.itemid = maxquery.itemid
JOIN grade_items gi ON = h.itemid
WHERE gi.courseid = 128000;
This query is slightly simplified from what we actually use in Moodle in order to demonstrate the problem.
On MariaDB 10.5.9 and all other databases it returns:
id itemtype itemmodule userid rawgrade
330004 course NULL 131000 NULL
330003 mod assign 131000 50.00000
On MariaDB 10.5.10 it returns:
id itemtype itemmodule userid rawgrade
330004 course NULL 131000 NULL
To make it even more interesting, the following query (using "LEFT JOIN") returns correct results. This is even more confusing because in the return values you can see that data in the grade_items table is present and it is actually an inner join.
SELECT, gi.itemtype, gi.itemmodule, h.userid, h.rawgrade
FROM grade_grades_history h
JOIN (SELECT itemid, MAX(id) AS id
FROM grade_grades_history
WHERE userid = 131000
GROUP BY itemid) maxquery ON = AND h.itemid = maxquery.itemid
LEFT JOIN grade_items gi ON = h.itemid
Attaching the test file demo_sql_error_simplified.sql
Issue Links
- is caused by
MDEV-25128 Wrong result from join with materialized semi-join and splittable derived
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDEV-25841 group by in subquery returns wrong result
- Closed
MDEV-25843 Wrong Query Result with LATERAL DERIVED (split_materialized=on)
- Closed
- relates to
MDEV-27132 Wrong result from query when using split optimization
- Closed
MDEV-27694 regression? Join using derived with aggregation returns incorrect results
- Closed
MDEV-25725 Suddenly Queryplan skip LEFT JOINS and fail to retrieve full results on certain dataset
- Closed