Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Do
10.5.8, 10.5.9
ZeosLib from the Lazarus "Online Package Manager"
Lazarus 2.0.8 r62944 FPC 3.0.4 x86_64-win64-win32/win64
Windows 8.1 Prof 64bit
I have tried:
mysqld.exe --skip-networking --enable-named-pipe --named-pipe=<some-unique-name>
and connecting via libmariadb.dll, via this named pipe <some-unique-name>.
But as I am using ZeosDB under Lazarus (64bit) naming a pipe does not seem to be an option.
So I have returned to trying the Embedded dll soluton and ...
– Previously ...
cmake . -DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=1 && cmake --build . --config relwithdebinfo --target libmysqld
As per
would build libmysqld.dll and you would find it in
libmysqld\RelWithDebInfo directory
How now do we build libmysqld.dll?
Or is it completely depreciated (-- but still very useful/needed sometimes!)
Issue Links
- split from
MDEV-15100 libmysqld.dll in mariadb 10.2.12 not exist
- Closed
It is useful in very, very limited scenarios. We did not build it on Windows for 5 years, or something close to that. When I try to build 10.5 now on Windows, it fails, because apparently, something has changed in the way we make static libs out of static libs, and there are other errors. I doubt think there will be a revival of Windows embedded soon.
Instead I'd suggest to talk to whoever builds that framework that you are using, to support named pipes. If this Zeos, whatever it is, uses C client library underneath, you can pass string "." as host, and named pipe name as unix socket.
Or, you can use TCP as well, just find the port that is not used, and change the server's bind parameter to only accept local connections.