Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-23056

server crash on select with where clause that calls a function doing a subquery


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • 10.4.13
    • N/A
    • None
    • docker container using official docker image mariadb/server:10.4
      docker runs on linux Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS


      Shell commands to prepare environment:

      $ docker pull mariadb/server:10.4
      $ docker run --name bugreport -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypass -d mariadb/server:10.4
      $ docker exec bugreport hostname -I
      $ sudo mysql -h -u root -p

      Now at mariadb/mysql> prompt:

      (you can source the attached bug-reproduce.sql file which contains all followig commands)

      mysql> select version();
      | version()                              |
      | 10.4.13-MariaDB-1:10.4.13+maria~bionic |
      1 row in set (0,00 sec)
      mysql> create database if not exists test;
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)
      mysql> use test;
      Database changed
      mysql> create table if not exists workstation (
        id            INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        prodlineid    INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
        primary key (id)
      ) engine=innodb;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,26 sec)
      mysql> create table if not exists process_workstation (
        processid                             INT NOT NULL,
        workstationid                         INT NOT NULL,
        unique index (processid, workstationid),
        index (workstationid),
        constraint foreign key (workstationid) references workstation(id) on delete cascade on update cascade
      ) ENGINE = InnoDB;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,23 sec)
      mysql> create function proc_on_ws(process_id int, ws_id int, prodline_id int) returns int
              select * from process_workstation pw
              where pw.workstationid = ws_id and pw.processid = process_id
        or (
              not isnull(prodline_id) and
              not isnull(process_id) and
              not exists(
                      select * from workstation ws, process_workstation pw
                      where ws.prodlineid = prodline_id and
                            pw.workstationid = ws.id and pw.processid = process_id
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,03 sec)
      mysql> insert ignore into  workstation (id) values
      Query OK, 80 rows affected (0,08 sec)
      Records: 80  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      -- This query crash the server:
      mysql> select nextws.id from workstation nextws
      where nextws.prodlineid = 1 AND proc_on_ws( 7 , nextws.id, nextws.prodlineid);
      ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query


      Back to shell, the output of
      $ docker logs bugreport 2>&1
      is attached as bug-mariadb.logs


        Issue Links


            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment -

            Thanks a lot for the report and the test case!
            I tried the debug version of 10.4,10.5, it turned out to be the same bug as MDEV-20290.
            I am closing the case here and will add a note to check the case after MDEV-20290 will be fixed.

            mariadbd: /git/10.5/sql/sql_prepare.cc:3018: void reinit_stmt_before_use(THD*, LEX*): Assertion `sl->join == 0' failed.
            200630 15:14:06 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;
            sql/sql_prepare.cc:3021(reinit_stmt_before_use(THD*, LEX*))[0x564818da8fa9]
            sql/sp_head.cc:3474(sp_lex_keeper::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*, bool, sp_instr*))[0x564818afecd8]
            sql/sp_head.cc:4148(sp_instr_freturn::execute(THD*, unsigned int*))[0x564818b03a4c]
            sql/sp_head.cc:1435(sp_head::execute(THD*, bool))[0x564818af1465]
            sql/sp_head.cc:2163(sp_head::execute_function(THD*, Item**, unsigned int, Field*, sp_rcontext**, Query_arena*))[0x564818af5993]
            sql/item.cc:2847(Item_sp::execute_impl(THD*, Item**, unsigned int))[0x564819579373]
            sql/item.cc:2759(Item_sp::execute(THD*, bool*, Item**, unsigned int))[0x5648195788f3]
            sql/sql_type.cc:4915(Type_handler_int_result::Item_val_bool(Item*) const)[0x5648192d85e4]
            sql/sql_select.cc:20701(evaluate_join_record(JOIN*, st_join_table*, int))[0x564818e87a6a]
            sql/sql_select.cc:20642(sub_select(JOIN*, st_join_table*, bool))[0x564818e14a8d]
            sql/sql_select.cc:20137(do_select(JOIN*, Procedure*))[0x564818e1208a]
            sql/sql_select.cc:4654(mysql_select(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*, st_select_lex*))[0x564818d58a4e]
            sql/sql_select.cc:417(handle_select(THD*, LEX*, select_result*, unsigned long))[0x564818d47d1c]
            sql/sql_parse.cc:6211(execute_sqlcom_select(THD*, TABLE_LIST*))[0x564818d63ba5]
            sql/sql_parse.cc:7995(mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned int, Parser_state*, bool, bool))[0x564818d36f13]
            sql/sql_parse.cc:1877(dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned int, bool, bool))[0x564819164ad9]
            sql/sql_connect.cc:1411(do_handle_one_connection(CONNECT*, bool))[0x564819e27caf]
            Query (0x62b0000a12a8): select nextws.id from workstation nextws where nextws.prodlineid = 1 AND proc_on_ws( 7 , nextws.id, nextws.prodlineid)

            alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - Thanks a lot for the report and the test case! I tried the debug version of 10.4,10.5, it turned out to be the same bug as MDEV-20290 . I am closing the case here and will add a note to check the case after MDEV-20290 will be fixed. mariadbd: /git/10.5/sql/sql_prepare.cc:3018: void reinit_stmt_before_use(THD*, LEX*): Assertion `sl->join == 0' failed. 200630 15:14:06 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;   linux/raise.c:51(__GI_raise)[0x7fd6212a8e97] stdlib/abort.c:81(__GI_abort)[0x7fd6212aa801] assert/assert.c:89(__assert_fail_base)[0x7fd62129a39a] ??:0(__assert_fail)[0x7fd62129a412] sql/sql_prepare.cc:3021(reinit_stmt_before_use(THD*, LEX*))[0x564818da8fa9] sql/sp_head.cc:3474(sp_lex_keeper::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD*, unsigned int*, bool, sp_instr*))[0x564818afecd8] sql/sp_head.cc:4148(sp_instr_freturn::execute(THD*, unsigned int*))[0x564818b03a4c] sql/sp_head.cc:1435(sp_head::execute(THD*, bool))[0x564818af1465] sql/sp_head.cc:2163(sp_head::execute_function(THD*, Item**, unsigned int, Field*, sp_rcontext**, Query_arena*))[0x564818af5993] sql/item.cc:2847(Item_sp::execute_impl(THD*, Item**, unsigned int))[0x564819579373] sql/item.cc:2759(Item_sp::execute(THD*, bool*, Item**, unsigned int))[0x5648195788f3] sql/item_func.cc:6500(Item_func_sp::execute())[0x56481969d489] sql/item_func.h:3418(Item_func_sp::val_int())[0x5648196ad350] sql/sql_type.cc:4915(Type_handler_int_result::Item_val_bool(Item*) const)[0x5648192d85e4] sql/item.h:1481(Item::val_bool())[0x564818e8a771] sql/item_cmpfunc.cc:5433(Item_cond_and::val_int())[0x564818e8a0bf] sql/sql_select.cc:20701(evaluate_join_record(JOIN*, st_join_table*, int))[0x564818e87a6a] sql/sql_select.cc:20642(sub_select(JOIN*, st_join_table*, bool))[0x564818e14a8d] sql/sql_select.cc:20137(do_select(JOIN*, Procedure*))[0x564818e1208a] sql/sql_select.cc:4447(JOIN::exec_inner())[0x564818e16144] sql/sql_select.cc:4229(JOIN::exec())[0x564818de82b1] sql/sql_select.cc:4654(mysql_select(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*, st_select_lex*))[0x564818d58a4e] sql/sql_select.cc:417(handle_select(THD*, LEX*, select_result*, unsigned long))[0x564818d47d1c] sql/sql_parse.cc:6211(execute_sqlcom_select(THD*, TABLE_LIST*))[0x564818d63ba5] sql/sql_parse.cc:3939(mysql_execute_command(THD*))[0x564818d3a695] sql/sql_parse.cc:7995(mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned int, Parser_state*, bool, bool))[0x564818d36f13] sql/sql_parse.cc:1877(dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned int, bool, bool))[0x564819164ad9] sql/sql_parse.cc:1355(do_command(THD*))[0x564819164432] sql/sql_connect.cc:1411(do_handle_one_connection(CONNECT*, bool))[0x564819e27caf] nptl/pthread_create.c:463(start_thread)[0x7fd6221a56db] x86_64/clone.S:97(clone)[0x7fd62138b88f]   Query (0x62b0000a12a8): select nextws.id from workstation nextws where nextws.prodlineid = 1 AND proc_on_ws( 7 , nextws.id, nextws.prodlineid)


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              yablacky L. Schwarz
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue



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