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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-22485

mysqlslap does not use current user as default for connecting to server



      mysqlslap promises to use the current user to connect to the server unless it was specified in options, but it doesn't happen, it prints no default value in help and connects as root instead,

      10.5 f544a712

      $ bin/mysqlslap --help | grep user
        -u, --user=name     User for login if not current user.
      user                                  (No default value)

      200506 20:34:26     10 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on 
                          11 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          12 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          13 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
      200506 20:34:27     14 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          15 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          16 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          17 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          18 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          19 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap
                          20 Connect  root@localhost as anonymous on mysqlslap

      I suppose the easiest would be to change the help text.


        Issue Links


            Pushed to 10.3 with 47c4caf1bfe1a (PR #1649) and bc2dc83cb56 as a test case.

            anel Anel Husakovic added a comment - Pushed to 10.3 with 47c4caf1bfe1a (PR #1649) and bc2dc83cb56 as a test case.


              anel Anel Husakovic
              elenst Elena Stepanova
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



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