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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-22259

Duplicate entry `a-b-c` for key 'a_b_c_unique' when altering table



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • 10.4.12
    • N/A
    • OTHER
    • None
    • debian 9, installed from official mariadb repo



      I have a table with an unique index

      [10:20:12] mioux@> show create table pdc_pma;                                                                                                                                                                                
      | Table   | Create Table                                                                                   |
      | pdc_pma | CREATE TABLE `pdc_pma` (                                                                       |
      |         |   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,                                               |
      |         |   `pma` decimal(12,5) NOT NULL,                                                                |
      |         |   `vente` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,                                                           |
      |         |   `code_isin` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,                                                       |
      |         |   `collaborateur` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,                                               |
      |         |   `date` date NOT NULL,                                                                        |
      |         |   `cgp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,                                                             |
      |         |   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),                                                                          |
      |         |   UNIQUE KEY `pma_unique` (`cgp`,`vente`,`code_isin`),                                         |
      |         |   KEY `vente` (`vente`),                                                                       |
      |         |   KEY `code_isin` (`code_isin`),                                                               |
      |         |   KEY `collaborateur` (`collaborateur`),                                                       |
      |         |   CONSTRAINT `pdc_pma_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`cgp`) REFERENCES `cgp` (`id`),                     |
      |         |   CONSTRAINT `pdc_pma_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`collaborateur`) REFERENCES `collaborateur` (`id`), |
      |         |   CONSTRAINT `pdc_pma_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`code_isin`) REFERENCES `code_isin` (`id`),         |
      |         |   CONSTRAINT `pdc_pma_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`vente`) REFERENCES `vente` (`id`)                  |
      |         | ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2175037367 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8                                 |
      1 row in set

      When trying to modify date from "not null" to "null", I have these errors

      [10:11:27] mioux@> alter table pdc_pma modify `date` date null;                                         
      You're about to run a destructive command.
      Do you want to proceed? (y/n): y
      Your call!
      (1062, "Duplicate entry '1879-5935019-159327' for key 'pma_unique'")
      [10:12:23] mioux@> alter table pdc_pma modify `date` date null;                                          
      (1062, "Duplicate entry '3839-4877953-359170' for key 'pma_unique'")
      [10:13:08] mioux@> alter table pdc_pma modify `date` date null;                                          
      (1062, "Duplicate entry '10292-4865099-122091' for key 'pma_unique'")
      [10:13:49] mioux@> alter table pdc_pma modify `date` date null; 

      No duplicate found

      [09:23:18] mioux@> select cgp, vente, code_isin, count(*) from pdc_pma group by cgp, vente, code_isin h
                                         aving count(*) > 1;                                                                 
      | cgp   | vente   | code_isin   | count(*)   |
      0 rows in set

      The key found unique is never the same.

      I tried to optimize the table to simulate a drop/create without success

      I'm on an environment production

      EDIT : The same operation on dev and staging are ok. We have a dump re-executed each week on these environments




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            mioux Sylvain RUMEU
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