Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
When I packaged 10.4 for Debian back in July 2019 based on version 10.4.6 I did not see any issues in starting the mysql-test-run. Proof:
However, now when imported 10.4.12 the test suite started to fail with:
root@7ed9ad728b3e:/usr/share/mysql/mysql-test# perl -I. ./ --suite=main --vardir=$WORKDIR/var --tmpdir=$WORKDIR/tmp \
> --parallel=auto --skip-rpl \
> --force
Logging: ./ --suite=main --vardir=/build/var --tmpdir=/build/tmp --parallel=auto --skip-rpl --force
vardir: /build/var
Removing old var directory...
Creating var directory '/build/var'...
Checking supported features...
Can't exec "patch": No such file or directory at ./ line 2152.
MariaDB Version 10.4.12-MariaDB-1
- SSL connections supported
- binaries built with wsrep patch
Using suites: main
Collecting tests...
No option named 'plugin-dir' in group 'mysqld.1' at lib/My/ line 349.
I can reproduce this locally and it is also visible in CI:
Please advice what might be wrong here and what might have changed in upstream regarding mtr and plugin_dir handling.
I checked the git history of include/plugin.defs and and lib/v1/ and main/variables* but I don't spot anything that I think could be related. Remotely maybe 4fef644303ecdf6ea88ea40d3733dea6bd2cf41d ?
The section in +349 lib/My/ points to:
sub resolve_at_variable {
my ($self, $config, $group, $option)= @_;
local $_ = $option->value();
my ($res, $after);
while (m/(.*?)\@((?:\w+\.)+)(#?[-\w]+)/g) {
my ($before, $group_name, $option_name)= ($1, $2, $3);
$after = $';
my $from_group= $config->group($group_name)
or croak "There is no group named '$group_name' that ",
"can be used to resolve '$option_name' for test '$self->{testname}'";
my $value= $from_group->value($option_name);
$res .= $before.$value;
$res .= $after;
$option->{value}= $res;
This section has only one change since summer: 9b22354a594570e23cc675d90836743ce7a3ba1c But I don't see how that could cause this error.
Issue Links
- relates to
MDEV-14900 Upstream 10.4 debian patches
- Closed
MDEV-31685 MariaDB 10.4.30 testsuite: No option named 'plugin-dir
- Open